bash script to get all mounted devices

Hi, to all

I'm writing script with zenity to benchmark selected disk with tools like; hdparm, seeker (to found in here > How fast is your disk? | LinuxInsight)

With this piece of code i try to get all mounted devices to variables to use it with selection menu, but i stuck and don't know how send listed devices to variables. Of course script must be flexible and react with hot plugged disks.


gksudo 'fdisk -l' | sed -n '/^[/]/p' | awk '{print $1}';

Output of script example:


Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

Sorry for my English (not native language) and code (first script).

Something like:

for device in `gksudo 'fdisk -l' | sed -n '/^[/]/p' | awk '{print $1}'`
  echo $device

Not exactly, your code assign whole $1 to $device, that don't change any thing. What i try to get is divide $1 column to separated lines and assign each line to variable which be the separated partition to chose from menu.

Thanks anyway for suggestion

A bit different then..

for device in `gksudo 'fdisk -l' | sed -n '/^[/]/p' | awk '{print $1}'`

echo ${dev[7]}
echo $count

The last two echo's are just to show output.

Thanks, that is good point of start for me.

You can avoid sudo with this.

for device in $(sed -n '/sd[ab][1-9]/ s,.* ,/dev/,p' /proc/partitions)

Notice some things:

  • The file /proc/partitions probably has the info you want.
  • The syntax $(...) is equivalent to backticks, but easier to read.
  • The sed expression s,.* ,/dev/, uses commas in place of slashes which works just fine.