bash script to execute a command remote servers using ssh


I am running into few issues, please suggest me what I am missing.

I am running this script on a linux host.

Main idea of this script is to, login to each host via ssh and get uid of user, service user that I trying to run this script, has already deployed ssh keys and provide sudo access to root with password less on all the server.

issue: /tmp/hostname.txt file contains list of IP addresses line by line, when I execute this script, I get the o/p of the first host successfully and stops executing right from that point.

# more userid
while read line
        ssh $line '(echo "`hostname` UID for User v7866 is `getent passwd v7866 | cut -f3 -d:`")' >> /tmp/output
done < /tmp/hostname.txt
#more /tmp/hostname.txt


ssh tries to read from the same standard input as your while loop, 'eating' your entire datafile.

Also, you don't need to re-open the same logfile 9,000 times to write 9,000 lines.

Also, the braces aren't necessary.

while read line
        ssh $line 'echo "`hostname` UID for User v7866 is `getent passwd v7866 | cut -f3 -d:`"' </dev/null
done < /tmp/hostname.txt > /tmp/output

A better way to accomplish this is to invoke the script which contains the commands that you want to be executed at the remote server

for ip_addr in $(cat hostname.txt); do
     ssh ${ip_addr} "bash -s" < script_to_be_invoked

As you'll see that, this way

ssh ip_addr "commands"

won't work properly while the "commands" is getting longer!
Look at this
The reason why your commands will only be run on the first host connected to is detailed explained here

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Thanks for the help,

I was able to run the script as suggested works fine !!!!

for ip_addr in $(cat hostname.txt); do
     ssh ${ip_addr} "bash -s" < script_to_be_invoked

The only annoying part is, once the user ssh into the each server, I see banner is being displayed on the terminal, how do we remove that from the output.


Just map the ip addresses of your remote servers' with a unique name one by one and line by line in your /etc/hosts on the master server which can manage all your remote servers node0 node1 node2

A more convenient way to perform your tasks with ssh at the remote servers is to invoke another script

ssh ${0##*/} "${@}"

just locate the script in /usr/local/sbin, then make some soft links:

# cd /usr/local/sbin
# ln -s node0
# ln -s node1
# ln -s node2

after you have done this, you can login to remote server,say, login to node1, you can just execute

# node1

instead of

# ssh node1


# ssh

and the same way to execute your commands

# node1 "commands"

instead of

# ssh node1 "commands"

and so

for node in node1 node2 node3; do
     ${node} "bash -s" < script_to_be_invoked

The script below is detailed explained what you can do with no-ssh needed remote commands execution

# node1 "echo '${local_variable}'"
# node1 "cat local_big_archive.tar.bz2" | tar -jxpvf -
# tar -jcpvf - /path/to/data | node1 "cat > /dev/tape"
# node1 "cd /path/to/dir; tar -jxpvf -" < local_big_archive.tar.bz2
# node1 "dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1" | node2 "cd /usr; dd of=mbr.bin"
# node1 "dd <  /dev/sda bs=512 count=1" | node2 "cd /usr; dd >  mbr.bin"
# node1 "mysqldump" | mysql
# node1 "mysqldump" > backup.sql
# node1 
# node1 "uptime"
# node1 "uptime" > local_file  
# node1 "uptime  > remote_file"
# node1 "bash -s" < script_to_run
# node1 "bash -s" < script_to_run > local_file
# node1 "bash -s  > remote_file" < script_to_run
# tar -jcpvf - /path/to/data | node1 "cd /target/dir; tar -jxpvf -"
# cd /target/dir; node1 "tar -jcpvf - /path/to/data" |  tar -jxpvf -
# rsync -Pvzrtopg /path/to/data/ node1:/root/
# rsync -Pvzrtopg node1:/path/to/data /root/

ssh ${0##*/} "${@}"

When I tried to include sudo command in the place script to be executed I am getting this error messages, any idea how can I overcome !!!!

for ip_addr in $(cat ipaddress.txt); do
ssh -t ${ip_addr} "bash -s" < /uploadscript.txt
#more /uploadscript.txt
sudo echo xy12ls1 | passwd --stdin martin

when I run this script I am getting this error message

$ ./remotescript
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.



-t -t

to force it to allocate a tty even though there's no local tty.

can someone please suggest, I am trying to update user password on remote server. user who is trying to run this script have sudo rules setup with password less. I am not sure where I am missing here.

$ ssh -t "bash -s" < 'sudo echo Welcome | passwd --stdin neen'
-bash: sudo echo Welcome | passwd --stdin neen: No such file or directory
$ ssh -t "bash -s" < sudo echo Welcome | passwd --stdin neen
-bash: sudo: No such file or directory
Only root can do that.


< doesn't work that way. Try a here-document.

ssh -t <<EOF
        echo "password" | sudo passwd --stdin username

It's entirely possible sudo isn't configured to allow you to do that, and/or passwd can't take passwords from stdin.