Bash script to check the files based up on UST time.

i have 3 regions like AWS,EMEA,APJ and i use to get 3 files like a,b,c files at 3 am ust for AWS region in common shared path and x,y,z files At 10 am ust for EMEA and 1,2,3,4,5 files at 11 pm UST for APJ region. In this files name wont change daily it remain same but the file name is not same for region to region and i need one script to check region wise weather all files are there or not if the files are not there it has to mail the missing file name and it should come in single script and we are using tidal to schedule the script.

So you want to verify:
3 files arrive at 03:00 UST for AWS (A,B,C)
3 files arrive at 10:00 UST for EMEA (X,Y,Z)
5 files arrive at 23:00 UST for APJ (e,f,g,h,i)

Do any of the files ever arrive late or early?

A lot more information would be useful. And I do not know tidal syntax. You will have to come up with that
Or your UNIX OS or any actual file names.

Do the files get deleted before the next time they arrive?

The OS is REALLY important. If I were to give you a solution that works on all "platforms everywhere answer" it will not be optimal


1. schedule the same shell script to run at 03:30 10:30, and 23:30.
2. parameters for each job:
    time to run   file names
    03:30           A  B  C
    10:30           X  Y   Z
    23:30           e f h g i
3. Use 

         touch -t 201806190300 tmp  # make a file that has the oldest allowable timestamp
     where 201806190300 is the actual date and time 30 minutes ago, i.e., now minus 30 minutes - this number is an example
4.   step through each parameter filename   
      test each file for existence and correct timing
      if [[ ! -e filename ||  filename -ot tmp ]] ; then  # this means it has problems
         send email

Now answer some questions so we can help you.

Here are some more questions:

How big (roughly) are these files? Might it be that when you check for them half an hour later (as colleague jim mcnamara suggested) they are only partially transmitted?

Speaking about partial transmission? Is there any indication that the transmission has finished AND is complete? Could it be that only half of a file gets transmitted and this part might then be unusable? What should the script do in such a case?

I hope this helps.
