BASH Script syntax error

I'm trying to write a simple script that takes all the .tar.gz files in a directory and verifies them by using the gzip -tv command:

for zip in *.tar.gz
          gzip -tv $zip
          if [ #? -eq 0 ] ; then #Check return code from tar
           echo "File ${zip} verified OK." 
           exit 0
              echo "File ${zip} failed to verify. Please check." 
            exit 1

However, when I try to run this, I get the following error:

./ line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
./ line 10: `          else'

The script looks right to me, can someone help me out with what I missed? Is it a combination of the for/if/then statements?



Never mind, I just saw what was wrong.

I can just do a gzip -tv *.tar.gz to get what I want. Please ignore my post and excuse my morning lack of a intelligence :slight_smile:

Ok, well my idea above worked.. however.. I'm having problems piping the output of the -tv to a log file:

DATE=`date +%m/%d/%y-%H:%M`
echo "$DATE - Starting Integrity Check...." >> /nmltest/cbpnear/data/mrr/scripts/logs/integ.log
echo "Now Testing all MRR archive files for integrity..."
cd /nmltest/cbpnear/data/mrr/mrr
          gzip -tv *.tar.gz >> /nmltest/cbpnear/data/mrr/scripts/logs/integ.log

Produces this:

scripts $./
Now Testing all MRR archive files for integrity...
20080302_1700.tar.gz:    OK
20080303_0800.tar.gz:    OK
20080308_1700.tar.gz:    OK
20080309_0800.tar.gz:    OK

I was hoping the >> would pipe the output shown when running the script to the log file...

any thoughts?

The output is written to standard error, not standard output; you want 2>> instead of just >>

Thanks Era.. I don't know why I didn't see it earlier... much appreciated.