Bash script [Press Tab] Screen Blank..

Dear Member,

OLD Question --> disable-completion not solved

My bash Menu script ping process problem.
If ping still running and users press [Tab Key] SCREEN is Blank...

Cant Members help me.. kill signal [Tab Key] or others scripting for my case, btw i use Linux..


My Bash Script :


declare -r DIALOG_OPTS="0 0 0"
declare -i -r OUTPUT_DIALOG_WIDTH=60

pipe_command_to_tailbox_dialog() {
        local -i height=5+$1; shift
        local title="$1"; shift
        local command="$1"; shift

        local output_file=`mktemp`
        (eval $command) >& $output_file &
        local -i bg_job=$!

        dialog --title "$title" --tailbox $output_file $height $OUTPUT_DIALOG_WIDTH

        if [ -d /proc/$bg_job ]; then
    kill $bg_job || kill -9 $bg_job >& /dev/null
        wait $bg_job
    rm -f $output_file

# pings a host with a nice dialog
ping_host_dialog() {
        local ping_params_tmp=`mktemp`
            if dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
               --form "Ping host" \
                $DIALOG_OPTS \
     "Address:" 1 1 "" 1 30 40 0 2> $ping_params_tmp; then
     local address=`head -1 $ping_params_tmp | tail -1`
        rm -f $ping_params_tmp
        if [ x"$address" != x ]; then
     pipe_command_to_tailbox_dialog 15 "Pinging host \"$address\"" "ping \"$address\""

main() {

main "$@"

If the problem wasn't solved in the old thread, say so there and provide additional information. Thread closed, continued here.