Bash script failed with expect on cisco routers

Hi all,

I use a bash script which use expect to connect throught ssh and run command on a cisco router. The ssh connection with expect work fine, but the first command on the cisco router failed,
I try to run the command in error by hand and it work fine... :frowning:

the first part of the script read a config file to get user and password for ssh connection.


export WORKDIR="/foo/bar/"

function parameter()
 if [ -r ]; then
          sed 's/ *\#.*//' | egrep -v '^$' > fifo 
          while read ligne ; do    # Lecture du fichier de configuration (et suppression des commentaires).
            echo $ligne

            if echo $ligne | egrep '^[   ]*host[         ]*=[   ]*.+$' >/dev/null ; then
              host=$(echo $ligne | sed 's/^[     ]*host[         ]*=[   ]*//')
              echo $host
            elif echo $ligne | egrep '^[         ]*login[        ]*=[   ]*.+$' >/dev/null ; then
              login=$(echo $ligne | sed 's/^[    ]*login[        ]*=[   ]*//')
              echo $login
            elif echo $ligne | egrep '^[         ]*password1[     ]*=[   ]*.+$' >/dev/null ; then
              password1=$(echo $ligne | sed 's/^[         ]*password1[     ]*=[   ]*//')
              echo $password1
            elif echo $ligne | egrep '^[         ]*password2[     ]*=[   ]*.+$' >/dev/null ; then
              password2=$(echo $ligne | sed 's/^[         ]*password2[     ]*=[   ]*//')
              echo $password2
          done < fifo
          rm fifo

function connection
expect <<EOD
spawn ssh $2@$1
expect "$2@$1's password: "
send "$3\r"
expect eof

expect <<EOD
spawn en
expect "Password: "
send "$5\r"
expect eof



if [ -z "$NEW_CONFI" ]; then
  error "Veuillez indiquer le NEW_CONFI en parametre (ex: 1234)"

connection $host $login $password1 $1 $password2 

when I run it i get the following error :

foo01-bar> spawn en
couldn't execute "en": no such file or directory
    while executing
"spawn en"

I read the post 165501 but in my case passing argument to expect work fine, the ssh connexion is ok.

If some has any idea ..
Sorry for my bad english :frowning:

is "en" the enable command on the router? You probably don't want spawn, but send.

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I try "send en\r" instead of spawn en but it didn't work too.

edit : Yes the en command is an alias for the enable password on cisco (like sudo on linux)