Bash script error problem

Im in a intro to unix class and we have to create a a basic program to look up an argument in a large file.
when no argument is given he wants us to produce a error messgae, well this works but it also produces another error message because my variable now equals nothing.

#! /bin/bash                                                                                               
let num=$*
if [[ $num -gt 99 && $num -lt 1000 ]]
    echo Area Codes for '"'$num'"':
    grep "^$num" ~cs155/pub/area-codes | sed 's/^/   /'
elif [[ $num -lt 1 ]]
    echo 'usage: ./area <query> ...' | grep usage
    echo good night

when ./area 303 is entered it works perfectly but when just ./area is entered i get this error

./area: line 2: let: num=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=")
usage: ./area <query> ...

the second line is my own error message which i want how do i get rid of the first?

problem not clear ,make it with example input

run the command with query

./area 500

You may consider restructuring the script to separate the parameter validation from the processing such that the script has a beginning a middle and an end.
The actual error is caused by trying to use $num which has no value. We can prevent this by checking the value of $# first. Because there is more than one reason to reject the command line we can prepare the "usage" string in advance. In the original script the "|grep usage" has no use .
Just as an aside, your shebang line contains a lot of trailing blanks and an extra blank between the hash and /bin/bash.

argcount=$#     # Number of arguments
num="$1"        # Value of parameter 1
usage='usage: ./area <query> ...'       # Usage string

# Parameter validation
if [ ${argcount} -ne 1 ]
        echo "${usage}"
if [[ $num -gt 99 && $num -lt 1000 ]]
    echo "${usage}"

# Processing starts here
echo Area Codes for '"'$num'"':
grep "^$num" ~cs155/pub/area-codes | sed 's/^/   /'

# End
echo "good night"