[BASH] Read pipe of unkown number of arguments?


So i have that script to which i'd like to pipe (rather than just regular arguments) some data from another virtual output command.


echo * | script.sh

When i know how many args i expect, i can handle this simple by:

[ -z "$@" ] && \
	read ONE TWO && \
	set ONE TWO
echo "$1 : $2

But how would i approach to get an unknown number of arguments?
Any ideas please?

Oh yeah, given the asterix example, i expect some values to be strings with spaces, which should remain preserved.
Otherwise i'd already have tried:

read ARGS
ARRAY=( echo $ARGS )

Thank you in advance

---------- Post updated at 03:54 ---------- Previous update was at 03:48 ----------

Just tried, but i knew it wouldnt work:

echo "a b" c | ./get-pipe.sh 

	read ARGS
	ARRAY=( ${ARGS[@]} )
	echo "${ARRAY[0]}"
	echo "${ARRAY[1]}"

NOTE: If i'd quote the ARRAY=ARGS statement, i'd get all vars on one line..

In cases like this, echo is your enemy. The shell removes the quotes as it processes arguments it passes to echo and when read sees the echo output on the other side of the pipe, it can't determine which blanks are supposed to be argument separators and which are supposed to be data in an argument.

If you are trying to maintain variable boundaries in arguments passed to a shell, passing those arguments as command-line arguments will always be easier than trying to reconstruct argument boundaries read through a pipeline.

If you must pass parameters though a pipeline, you have to choose a character (or string) that can never appear in any string to want to treat as a variable as your field separator instead of using the default IFS=<space><tab><newline> as field separators.

1 Like

Thank you Don!
Figured :slight_smile:

The difference isnt that bad, given the read its timeout is limited only to 2nd position of post decimal indicator. :wink:

#	Testing simple
	declare -a ARRAY
	if [ "$1" = "" ]
	then	while read -t 0.01 ARG
		do	ARRAY[${#ARRAY[@]}]="$ARG"
	else	ARRAY=( "${@}" )
#	Parsing input
	for item in "${ARRAY[@]}"
	do	echo "something with $item"
0 ~/tmp $ time ./get-pipe.sh *
something with browser
something with get-pipe.sh
something with get-pipe-test.sh
something with test with spaces

real	0m0.002s
user	0m0.001s
sys	0m0.001s

0 ~/tmp $ time ls | ./get-pipe.sh 
something with browser
something with get-pipe.sh
something with get-pipe-test.sh
something with test with spaces

real	0m0.002s
user	0m0.003s
sys	0m0.001s

Thank you and hope this helps

---------- Post updated at 06:29 ---------- Previous update was at 06:04 ----------

Now i tried to remove the array, and shorten it a bit, now it behaves weird.

[ -z "$1" ] && \
	while read  ARG
	do	set "$ARG"
for item in "${@}"
do	echo "something with $item"
0 ~/tmp $ ./get-pipe.sh *
something with browser
something with get-pipe.sh
something with get-pipe-test.sh
something with test with spaces

0 ~/tmp $  ls | ./get-pipe.sh 
something with test with spaces

0 ~/tmp $ 

Even with while IFS="$IFS\l" read ARG there was no difference.
Any ideas please?

(edit: Or should i better stay with the array?)

Not weird at all. Every time through the read loop, set clears all of the arguments you have accumulated. Try something more like:

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
then	while IFS= read -r ARG
	do	set -- "$@" "$ARG"
printf 'Arg count: %d\n' $#
printf '\targ: "%s"\n' "$@"

But, this still won't work if you have an argument that has embedded <newline> characters.

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Thank you, thats working great for single line outputs, even for the list.
But when i try to 'combine' it with another read, it starts with an endless loop, kind of...

Now, the list works fine with piped input:

removed codes as it seemed mislead in my question

Any ideas please?
Thank you in advance.

Not sure I understand to full extent what you need, but reading a pipe and then switching back to terminal input could be done like this:

( exec 3<&0; { lsof -p$BASHPID ; echo bla; } | { lsof -p$BASHPID; cat;  exec 0<&3; read AB; echo $AB; } )

The lsof s are in there to show the file descriptor has been bequeathed. This is just an idea/a proposal, not the slightest idea how resilient and error proof it is...

Sorry, should have reduced.

#	Testing simple
	[ -z "$1" ] && \
		while IFS= read -r ARG
		do	set -- "$@" "$ARG"
#	Parsing input
	for item in "${@}"
	do	echo "$item"
		read -N 1 -p "Is that correct (y/n)"  USERINPUT
1 ~/tmp $ ls | ./get-pipe.sh 
test with spaces

1 ~/tmp $ ./get-pipe.sh *
Is that correct (y/n)yget-pipe.sh
Is that correct (y/n)yget-pipe-test.sh
Is that correct (y/n)ytest with spaces
Is that correct (y/n)y

---------- Post updated at 21:07 ---------- Previous update was at 20:09 ----------

Updated and Redcued code.
I didnt handle the read input, as its not getting there with the pipe anyway.

I do want the argument behaviour also for the pipe, printing the question and letting the user type something.

Thank you in advance

So its actualy all about getting the USERINPUT from the read command.

your stdin isn't the tty anymore, it's a pipe... you can try opening the tty directly again:

mute@tiny:~$ printf %s\\n one 'two foo' 3 | ( while read file; do printf 'use [[%s]]? ' "$file"; read </dev/tty; [[ $REPLY = [Yy]* ]] || continue; echo "okay i'll use $file"; done; )
use [[one]]? n
use [[two foo]]? y
okay i'll use two foo
use [[3]]? n
1 Like