Bash interactive Script Required

Dear All,

Please help in creating a bash script to fetch records from multiple files the script should ask inputs of file type and column level input(at least 4 col of each file type)

I have 4 sort of Files, A,B,C,D. file names are like A_0112.unl , A_01215.unl , A_0001.unl and same with B C and D.

Columns in A are below:

$1== number
$2== date and time which is like |20160216124800|
$3== duration which is like "|300|" and its in seconds
$4== Charges which is like "|1|" and it is in cents

Columns in B are below:

$1== date and time which is like |20160216124800|
$2== number
$3== duration which is like "|300|" and its in seconds
$4== Charges which is like "|1|" and it is in cents

Columns in C are below:

$1== duration which is like "|300|" and its in seconds
$2== Charges which is like "|1|" and it is in cents
$3== number
$4== date and time which is like |20160216124800|

Columns in D are below:

$1== Charges which is like "|1|" and it is in cents
$2== duration which is like "|300|" and its in seconds
$3== number which is like |01171011105|
$4== date and time which is like |20160216124800|

Now when i start the script it should ask below inputs:

Input 1) Please enter file Type, Options are below:

Input 2)Please enter number which should start from 0117XXXXX.

Input 3)please enter date which should be like YYYYMMDD

Input 4)Please enter time, option are below:
1==000000 to 235959
2==000000 to 060000
3==060000 to 120000
4==120000 to 180000
5==180000 to 235959 

once all the inputs are given the output should print all entries(columns) in the fully matched file. thanks.

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