[BASH] getopts, OPTARG is passed but empty



Getting used to optargs, but by far not understanding it.
So i have that script that shall be 'changeable', trying to use the passed arguments to modify the script visuals.


browser -t test -d sect $HOME

Where -t should change the title,
and -d should change the 'dir-label'.
While the title works, the 'dir-label' doesnt.

	set -x
	while getopts "m:d:f:t:u:h(help)": name
	do 	#echo "$name -- $OPTARG -- $OPTIND"	# DEBUG help	TODO rm when working
		case $name in
		t|title)	lbl_title="$OPTARG"	;;
		u|user) 	lbl_user="$OPTARG"	;;
		d|dir) 		lbl_dir="$OPTARG"	;;
		f|file) 	lbl_file="$OPTARG"	;;
		m|mode)		mode="$OPTARG"		;;
		h|help)		printf "$help_text"
				exit $RET_HELP		;;
	shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
	set +x

	[ -z $lbl_dir ] && tui-echo "Error retrieving 'Folders'-label..." "$FAIL" && exit 1

Output 1:

$ tui-browser -t test -d sect $HOME
t -- test -- 3
d -- sect -- 5
# | Error retrieving 'Folders'-label...                                                                    [     ] | #

Output 2:

$ tui-browser -t test -d sect $HOME
+ getopts 'm:d:f:t:h(help):' name
+ echo 't -- test -- 3'
t -- test -- 3
+ case $name in
+ lbl_title=test
+ getopts 'm:d:f:t:h(help):' name
+ echo 'd -- sect -- 5'
d -- sect -- 5
+ case $name in
+ lbl_dir=
+ getopts 'm:d:f:t:h(help):' name
+ set +x
# | Error retrieving 'Folders'-label...                                                                    [     ] | #

I dont understand how lbl_dir is set to empty?
Could you bring in some light please?

Thank you in advance

Added the red-colored part, and it worked as expected, wierd...
Thought, i wasnt testing what i just added.. :confused: