[BASH] Floating point exception


I have a script (vhs - video handler script, using ffmpeg) to encode videos.
It also encodes a dvd, but until now just non-copy-protected ones, so i've tried to add/implement a vobcopy wrapper to be used by my script.

At first it looked quite fine, but when changing from the first VOB to the 2nd VOB, it copies a few megabytes, and then fails, with said error message.

Here's the output:

# | vhs (1.2)                              Video Handler Script                              2014-12-27 02:07:34 | #
# | Please select which entry is the DVD:                                                                        | #
1) Avatar
2) Inside_Man
#? 1
# |                                               Encoding Avatar                                                | #
# | Mounted DVD to /run/media/sea/Avatar                                                                [     ] | #
# | Please select a method:                                                                                      | #
# | 1) Encode directly from DVD                                                   2) Copy largest files to local | #
# | > 2
# | /home/sea/.cache/Avatar already exists, reuse it? (y/n)                                                    n | #
# | Copy vob files to "/home/sea/.cache/Avatar", this may take a while...                                        | #

# | Copied: AVATAR1-1.vob                                                                               [     ] | #
# | pid:20608                               Copying: AVATAR1-2.vob (124M)                               [  /   ] | #
/home/sea/.local/bin/vhs.sh: line 658: 20608 Floating point exception(core dumped) vobcopy -o "$1" 2> "$vTMP"
# | pid:20608                               Copying: AVATAR1-2.vob (130M)                               [  -   ] | #

 ~/data/tmp $  cat -n ~/.local/bin/vhs.sh | grep -A44 \ 635
   635		doVobCopy() { # "OUTDIR"
   636		# Uses vobcopy to copy the vobs to OUTDIR
   637		#
   638			[[ -z "$1" ]] && exit 1
   639			declare files
   640			unset files
   641			count=0
   643			if $showFFMPEG
   644			then	vobcopy -o "$1"
   645			else	# Do the job in the background
   646				vTMP="${TMP}.vobcopy"	# File to 'get' all the output
   647				[[ -f "$vTMP" ]] && rm -f "$vTMP"
   648				touch "$vTMP"
   650				vobcopy -o "$1" 2>"$vTMP" &
   651				PID=$!
   652				sleep 0.3
   654				while ps | grep -q $PID
   655				do	# Retrieve the filename and print its filesize to user
   656					FILE=$(tail -n 2 "$vTMP"|grep Outputting|awk '{print $4}')
   657					if [[ ! -z "$FILE" ]] 
   658					then	FILE=$(basename "$FILE")
   659						msg="Copying: $FILE"
   660						msg_P="pid:$PID"
   662						if echo "${files[@]}" | grep -q "$FILE" 
   663						then	tui-printf "$msg_P" \
   664								"$msg ($(ls -lh $1/$FILE*|awk '{print $5}'))" \
   665								"[  $(tui-indi)   ]"
   666						else	files[${#files[@]}]="$FILE"
   667							[[ $count -gt 0 ]] && \
   668								tui-status 0 "Copied: ${files[ $[ $count - 1 ] ]}"
   669							count=$(($count + 1))
   670							tui-printf "$msg_P" \
   671								"$msg" \
   672								"[  $(tui-indi)   ]"
   673						fi
   674					fi
   675					sleep 0.7
   676				done
   677			fi
   678			rm -f "$vTMP"
   679		}
:) ~/data/tmp $ 

I've never beofre had a floating point issue., so i'd rather think its a vobcopy issue than mine..
Anyhow, i do not know how to identify a floating point issue, with the above code, there is no math done (but adding 1 to 'c' which was set to 0). but subtracting 1 from ${#files[@]} , but this just happens when its 1 or higher.

Any advice or ideas?
Thank you in advance and happy holidays.

What does the core dump tell you?

Any idea where i can find this 'core dump'?

No such indication in output dir:

ls dvd-out/
AVATAR1-1.vob  AVATAR1-2.vob.partial

Also nothing in the logs:

sudo find /var/log/|grep -i vobcopy

Not even in /var/log/messages* :frowning:
Last entrires are from 16th december.

---------- Post updated at 03:59 ---------- Previous update was at 02:01 ----------

When i dont run vobcopy in background (showFFMPEG=true), it copies the files just fine.
It just so happens when running in background...

But i fail to see any 'float point' operation within the function.

Just a wild guess?
Maybe it's this test for a zero length file?
657 if [[ ! -z "$FILE" ]]

From the output you posted:

# | pid:20608                               Copying: AVATAR1-2.vob (124M)                               [  /   ] | #
/home/sea/.local/bin/vhs.sh: line 658: 20608 Floating point exception(core dumped) vobcopy -o "$1" 2> "$vTMP"
# | pid:20608                               Copying: AVATAR1-2.vob (130M)                               [  -   ] | #

we can see that vobcopy dropped a core file due to a floating point exception. Where that core file is placed varies from system to system. Start by looking at the man page for core and gdb or adb or sdb on your system to see if they give you an indication of where the core file is located.

No, the core didn't come from test. The diagnostic output repeated above clearly states that vobcopy received a floating point exception and a core file was produced.

1 Like

Ok, so i am on:

uname -ro
3.17.6-300.fc21.x86_64 GNU/Linux

According to man core this Fedora release saves the core dumps either as 'core' or 'core.pid'.
So i used locate, but it didnt find a 'core.pid' and looking for just core, brought just one 'reasonable' result (same as when i look - for 'fun' - for coredump:

locate coredump | grep -v mock

Coredumps config:

cat /etc/systemd/coredump.conf
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
# See coredump.conf(5) for details


cat /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-coredump.conf
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

# See sysctl.d(5) for the description of the files in this directory,
# and systemd-coredump(8) and core(5) for the explanation of the
# setting below.

kernel.core_pattern=|/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %p %u %g %s %t %e
 /var/lib/systemd $ ll
total 24K
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Dec 14 00:20 backlight
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Dec 14 15:20 catalog
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Nov 10 16:18 coredump
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Dec 14 15:35 rfkill
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Dec 14 15:04 timers
-rw-------. 1 root root  512 Dec 26 22:47 random-seed
+ /var/lib/systemd $ ll coredump/
total 0

So it seems it didnt procude a coredump :frowning:
As there are no files within the 'coredump' directory.

coredumpctl list 
No coredumps found.

This seems to verify this...

I'm going to try this again as root, and hope it creates a dump file then..

Is this apropos:


So systemd also hijacks core files?

@ Achelne : seems like it.

This is what i get when running it as root, which expected to have the rights to actualy create a core dump, but it didnt neither :frowning:

/root/.cache/vhs.tmp: line 1: 16723 Floating point exception(core dumped) vobcopy -o "/root/.cache/Avatar" 2> "/root/.cache/vhs.tmp.vobcopy"
# | Creating tempdata, this may take a while...                                       ( 917M )                                               [  /   ] | #^C

130 /home/sea/.local/bin # cat /root/.cache/vhs.tmp
cat  /root/.cache/Avatar/AVATAR1-1.vob /root/.cache/Avatar/AVATAR1-2.vob.partial > "/root/.cache/Avatar/BIGVOB.vob"

+ /home/sea/.local/bin # coredumpctl 
No coredumps found.

Guess i'll have to file a bug and accept for the moment that vobcopy doesnt run well in background :frowning:

Note that it wouldn't literally be core.pid , it would be core.ProcessIDOfProgramThatDroppedCore (which in this case would be core.20608 ).

It looks like /var/lib/systemd/coredump is used when your system crashes (not when user processes running on your system crash). On most systems I've used, a core file would be placed in the directory that:

  • was the current working directory of the process when it died,
  • was the current working directory of the process when it started,
  • was the home directory of the user who started the process, or
  • was a subdirectory of the home directory of the user who started the process.

The diagnostic you received from bash :

/home/sea/.local/bin/vhs.sh: line 658: 20608 Floating point exception(core dumped) vobcopy -o "$1" 2> "$vTMP"

indicates that bash was told that a core file was produced. But, obviously, configuration parameters can disable core file production.

If locate core and core.20608 don't find anything, we have to assume that your system didn't drop a core or some cron job removed it before you looked for it.

Hope this helps...

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Sadly, the change of the literal 'pid' to its PID didnt bring up any locate result.
That was right now after it failed again, on yet another dvd... guess i got to live with the regular console output of vobcopy...

# | pid:4929                          Copying: SCARFACE1-2.vob (129M)                                  [  -   ] | #
/home/sea/.cache/vhs.tmp: Zeile 1:  4931 Gleitkomma-Ausnahme     (Speicherabzug geschrieben) vobcopy -o "/home/sea/.cache/Scarface" > /dev/zero 2> "/home/sea/.cache/vhs.tmp.vobcopy"
# | Created tempdata                                                                                   [     ] | #
# | Press 'CTRL+C' to stop encoding from dvd...                                                        [   ] | #
# | Saving to '/home/sea/dvd-Scarface.0.mkv'                              ( 50M )                      [  \   ] | #^C
130 ~ $ locate core.4931
:( ~ $ sudo locate core.4931
- ~ $ sudo locate core.4929

And still no coredumpctl output either :frowning:
And without that information, one cannot solve the issue, so, thank you so far! :slight_smile:

Happy holidays :slight_smile: