Bash - array loop performance


another little question...

"sn" is an array whose elements can vary from about 55,000 to about 150,000 elements. Each element consists of an integer between 0-255, eg: ${sn[1]} contain the value: 103 . For a decrypt-procedure I need scroll all the elements 4 or 5 times. Here is an example of one of the loop where n is length of sn array:

 for(( i=0; i<n-2; i++ ))
 do sn[$i]=$((${sn[$i]} ^ ${sn[$i+2]} ^ (${sn[$i+1]} * k4) % 256))

 for(( i=(n-1); i>1; i--))
 do sn[$i]=$(( ${sn[$i]} ^ ${sn[$i-2]} ^ (${sn[$i-1]} * k3) % 256))

It all works ... but it takes 3 minutes to loop even when the equivalent vb6 takes me globally no more than 10 seconds.

For i = 1 To n - 2: sn(i) = sn(i) Xor sn(i + 2) Xor (k4 * sn(i + 1)) Mod 256: Next

I'm doing something wrong? The script is successful without any errors.
I had tried some things... for example work in "do" section with small array in this way:

IFS=' ' read -a an <<< "$a"
sn=$(( x ^ z ^ (y*4) % 256 ))

but seems doesn't change much. Any idea how can I increase my loop performance?

thank you

maybe it's not the language construct so much as it's the hardware. Do you mean Visual Basic. What are the physical machines?

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I don't think bash is too good at maths, even though you are dealing with integer math only...

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Hi, thank you for reply.
It's the same machine (P4) that had XP sp3 (32bit), and now run with only ubunto server (without X... and I don't want install WINE).

      product: Intel\(R\) Pentium\(R\) 4 CPU 2.66GHz
      vendor: Intel Corp.
      size: 2700MHz
      width: 32 bits
      ram: 1.5gb

The vb6 prog was a simple .bas service and was very fast.
The bash conversion that I made is very fast everywhere but in loops menthioned is damn slow. Same machine.

---------- Post updated at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:50 PM ----------

Mmm I'm newbie in Linux, do you suggest rewrite the entire script in some else? :frowning:

What could I use that is already installed in ubuntu-server? ..and preferably that allows me to import a little 'bash code already written?

NOTE: I had try now to remove all math expression/logic code inside each (5) loops present in the script. Execution time it's now about 5 secs!

Use awk or perl its good for maths, please show a representative sample of input, desired output with brief description .

Bash isn't very efficient looking up large arrays I found using bash 4 assoicative arrays gave me a significant boost in speed if you have bash 4 consider using them:

declare -A sn
do  sn=$((RANDOM%256))

for(( i=0; i<n-2; i++ ))
do sn=$(( (sn ^ sn[i+1] ^ sn[i+2] * k4) % 256 ))

for(( i=(n-1); i>1; i--))
do sn=$(( (sn ^ sn[i-2] ^ sn[i-1] * k3) % 256))
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I read a binary file encrypted, parse char by char loaded using a key, and then, with the result, I create a new file readable.

Interesting...that is a major performance difference. I was actually hoping it was cygwin...cause that is dog slow and obvious. I would hope that changes like that to any linux would perform better. I wonder if it is the looping or the frequent math operations done in the assignment. What did you use to profile performance if anything?

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Firstly there are already a lot of utilities the encrypt and decrypt files in unix I'd sugget using one of these if you can.

If you must roll you own for all means develop a prototype in shell script, but once it's working I'd suggest converting to C for the final performance version.

Yes, I read somewhere tha define variable as array speedup the process but when I create the array I use:

IFS=' ' read   -a  sn <<< "$s" I think was the same. I'm in error?

I used time, and yes associative arrays look to be around 11x faster than normal arrays 5secs vrs 55secs.

<What did you use to profile performance if anything?>

Nothing special.. I had used "LSHW" for the specs and "ps aux" for see cpu usage, and "free" to see ram. Probably I not understand your request.

If you have a string $s and you want to load the ascii value into an array 1 char at a time you could do this:

declare -A sn
s="This is a test string"
  printf -v sn[$i] '%d' "'${s:i:1}"

echo sn[0]=${sn[0]}
echo sn[1]=${sn[1]}
echo sn[2]=${sn[2]}

---------- Post updated at 07:37 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:34 AM ----------

BTW the code I posted before was inaccurate as expressions with [ and ] of an array are not evaluated you need something like this:

declare -A sn

do  sn[$i]=$((RANDOM%256))

for(( i=0; i<n-2; i++ ))
do sn[$i]=$(( (sn[$i] ^ sn[$((i+1))] ^ sn[$((i+2))] * k4) % 256 ))

for(( i=(n-1); i>1; i--))
do sn[$i]=$(( (sn[$i] ^ sn[$((i-2))] ^ sn[$((i-1))] * k3) % 256))

Which is still faster than without using associative arrays.

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Elements are group of integer, not single char.
I had study "associative arrays" and make a try: It's better, but not so much.
Tomorrow I'll try a vb6 to Perl or Awk conversion. Hope that make difference.

Thank you in any case at all!

Interesting.... I did some further testing with bash 3, bash 4 and ksh93 (for the associative array I used the synonym typeset -A instead of declare -A which works both in bash4 and ksh93:

indexed arrays                  bash 3          bash 4          ksh93
                        real    2m4.457s        1m6.420s        0m1.855s
                        user    1m53.857s       0m57.251s       0m1.764s
                        sys     0m0.501s        0m0.399s        0m0.007s

Associative arrays              bash 3          bash 4          ksh93   
                        real    -               0m4.553s        0m1.871s
                        user    -               0m3.867s        0m1.567s
                        sys     -               0m0.171s        0m0.003s

There seems to be an issue with regular arrays in bash that is absent in ksh93 which processes both types of arrays at the same speed...

Testing on OSX 10.9.5, bash 3.2.51(1), bash 4.2.0(1), ksh 93u 2011-02-08

I have rewrite the function in perl: wow, very fast!
I like perl seem easy to understand.
If someone is interested...

sub decrypt {
    my ($f, $key) = @_;
    my $s;
      local *FH;
      open FH, "$f" or die $!;
      -f FH and sysread FH, $s, -s FH;
    my $n=length($s);
    my $k1=11+($key % 233); my $k2= 7+($key % 239);
    my $k3= 5+($key % 241); my $k4= 3+($key % 251);
    my @sn = unpack("C*", $s);   
  # debug: print "@sn\n";
    my $i=0;
    for ($i=0; $i<($n-2); $i++) { $sn[$i]=(($sn[$i] ^ $sn[$i+2] ^ ($k4 * $sn[$i+1])) % 256); }
    for ($i=($n-1); $i>1; $i--) { $sn[$i]=(($sn[$i] ^ $sn[$i-2] ^ ($k3 * $sn[$i-1])) % 256); }
    for ($i=0; $i<($n-1); $i++) { $sn[$i]=(($sn[$i] ^ $sn[$i+1] ^ ($k2 * $sn[$i+1])) % 256); }
    for ($i=($n-1); $i>0; $i--) { $sn[$i]=(($sn[$i] ^ $sn[$i-1] ^ ($k1 * $sn[$i-1])) % 256); }
    $s=""; for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $s.=chr( $sn[$i] ); }  