bash : Adding numeric order to blank field

Hi All,

I have a file menu_opts is as follows

[root@##### ~]# cat menu_opts
Please select the options
qqqq_usb         STD RETAIL Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
qqqq_onc         STD Dealer Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
qqqq_zt_usb      STD RETAIL Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
qqqq_zt_onc      STD Dealer Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
qqqq_us_zt_onc   SA Dealer Progs          (Long Format cue advertisements)
qqqq_dart_usb    WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
qqqq_dart_onc    WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
qqqq_dart_zt_usb WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)
qqqq_dart_zt_onc WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)

Im trying to write a shell script, which would display a menu and look as follows

Please select the options

1] STD RETAIL Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
2] STD Dealer Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
3] STD RETAIL Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
4] STD Dealer Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
5] SA Dealer Progs          (Long Format cue advertisements)
6] WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
7] WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
8] WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)
9] WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)

Enter a choice or Q to quit

Im facing challenge as I unable to get this display so far following is the progress i made

[root@##### ~]# cat menu_opts  |head -n 1;echo -e "\n";cat menu_opts |tail -n +2|awk '{gsub(/^ *[^ ]* */," ")}1'

Please select the options

 STD RETAIL Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
 STD Dealer Progs    (Prime time cue advertisements)
 STD RETAIL Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
 STD Dealer Progs    (Long Format cue advertisements)
 SA Dealer Progs          (Long Format cue advertisements)
 WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
 WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Prime time cue advertisements)
 WholeSAle RETAIL Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)
 WholeSAle Dealer Progs (Long Format cue advertisements)

Please help.

try .

cat menu_opts |head -n 1;echo -e "\n";cat menu_opts |tail -n +2|awk '{print NR "]" $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7 " " $8 " " $9 " " }'

Thank you expert, is there a more generic way of doing it using awk. The reason being that they may be future additions of the menu_opts file and we may more records the $9.