Banker's Algorithm using shell script

Please assist me if you know how to the code. I will be extremely grateful.

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Yes, this is a homework assignment.

Please accept my apologies for any errors.

I'm a newbie here.

Upwards, I shall observe all guidelines.

I suggest you go through the proposed algorithm:

Study carefully the pseudocode proposed, and compare it with what the person did and posted here years ago:

Or following the first link, write down your understanding of the algorithm you translate in your pseudocode and test it on paper, if works go ahead into coding, else show us what you did and where it fails, giving us what you expected and what you believe it returns, someone here will help you find your mistake(s) and continue in your progress
Once you have a script to show us, go ahead we will give you our comments, remember if you do not want to be desperate with a big script no one is interested in helping you out, its to program top-down and document in the code what you are doing, that means from frame to, at last, the tricky algo bits



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