Bandwidth shaping on specific port


I've been looking for a few hours now, reading various docs and man pages, but the info I found so far is either not what I was looking for or I just don't get how to do the thing I need....

So, my "problems" is that I have a server running on a specific port and I need to shape traffic only on this port (7979) in order to reduce bandwidth. I want it to only have a max up speed of 10 KB/s and max down speed of 10 KB/s also. What I've been looking for for the past few hours is a command or some other shaping software that will be able to limit the incoming & outgoing bandwidth only on this port. I read the man pages of 'tc' but I didn't get much wiser from it, so I came asking here in the hope someone could provide me with the commands and their params how to do that or offer another solution, if possible. I'm on Linux btw :slight_smile:


Try doing a web seach for "Linux traffic shaping" or "Linux packet shaping".

And you think I didn't do that? As I said, I was looking for a few hours but either don't get how to do such a thing (as it's way too complex and I've no idea what all those params do) or it isn't explain at all how to shape traffic on only a specific port