Bandwidth Calculation for DR AIX Servers

Hi Gurus ,

I am having AIX servers for which DR needs to be settle down soon. Can you guide how to calculate the bandwidth sizing for Storage based replication.What factor i need to consider or calculate for Bandwidth sizing.

In solaris we run crontab scheduled iostat for every 15 mins & get the data as average write / 15mins. How to accomodate the same in AIX.

Kindly help.

The same you have iostat command in AIX.

Can anyone suggest me correct syntax to use in order to calculate Write /s for an estimated time of interval.

If i wanna caluclate how much write happened in last 15 mins, How to do it.

use sar or nmon

Have a look here
@frank_rizzo :b:
sar and nmon are good tools too