
is there a script that will do the following

1) i have two folders.I use one and the others a backup.can i get a script (perl script for win98) that whenever i put stuf into one folder it will back it up to the backup folder

perl is not my domain but...

you need to have a daemon service for that... what you are asking is an event driven back up... I know a command line application for NT called "Hannibal" (which of course is not free) which can sniff events such as file creations/modifications on certain watched folders on watched drives on watched machines and so on...

the only other recourse it seems is writing your own daemons for such events...


OK - this sounds VERY much like a homework question! However, I'll give you the gist of teh script - which is UN-TESTED!!!

It's a crude answer to your question, so it wont backup amended files (you'll have to add the code for that). All it will do is make a copy of any new file created in the target directory! Make sure you test it, etc....


# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a backup in a specified folder of each file in a
# target folder

#set this to your backup folder
$backupFolder = "c:\backup";

#set this to the folder you want to track
$trackFolder = "c:\documents";

while (1) {
  opendir(TARGETFOLDER, $trackFolder);
  @files = readdir(TARGETFOLDER);

  opendir(BACKUPFOLDER, $backupFolder);
  @filesToo = readdir(BACKUPFOLDER);
  $found = 0;
  # compare files found within each folder
  foreach $targetFile (@files) {
    foreach $backupFile (@filesToo) {
      if ($targetFile eq $backupFile) {
        $found = 1;

    if ($found == 0) {
      system "copy ${trackFolder}\\${targetFile} ${backupFolder}";

  # sleep for 10 minutes before comparing files again
  sleep 600;

Thanks. Its not homwork. IAM only 14 years old!

Not studying computer science yet !!!