Backup to remote tape drive

Hello all,

I'm trying to backup some files on a solaris 10 machine to the remote tape drive connected to another solaris 10 machine.

I have set up rsh to allow for password-less connection between the servers, but I'm not able to write to the tape with the command:

root@sdp4a>tar cvf session1 | rsh tbsdp1a root dd of=/dev/rmt/0n conv=sync
tar: Missing filenames
sh: root: not found
root@serverA>tar cvf session1 | rsh tbsdp1a -l root dd of=/dev/rmt/0n conv=sync
tar: Missing filenames
0+0 records in
0+0 records out

does anyone know what I am missing?


It means what it says: You're not giving tar any filenames, so it doesn't know what to archive.

It doesn't think it has any filenames because it's taking "session1" to be the output filename.

If you want tar to print to stdout, the parameter "-" suffices on many systems. Failing that, try giving it /proc/self/fd/1.

tar cvf - session1