Backup Tape Restore?

I am trying to do a restore on a backup tape (DDS2) and am having a little trouble. For one, I dont know how the tape was made, whether is was tar, cpio, dump..etc. Anyone know how to restore a tape without knowing the format of the backup?

also, im running on hp-ux B.11.00

You cannot extract/restore data from a file/tape unless you know the format in which the backup was taken. Try using various utilities one by one to restore the tape.

not sure if this will work but...

You can use the fstyp command to find out what filesystem a device is.
# fstyp /dev/rdsk/<tape device>

You could also use a shell script like so to determine all devices in the /dev/rdsk directory:
for i in /dev/rdsk/*; do echo �$i = $(fstyp $i 2>/dev/null)�; done
Hope this helps!

why don't you try find out with the command file what type of file ( tar cpio gzipped ) this is ??

did the OP get anywhere with this info? i am having similar problems :frowning: