Backup setting problem

the way that i use to backup my server is using the script below in ssh.
mysqldump --opt -Q -u username -p password > /var/www/squiro/sql/database.sql

but i want to set the server backup everyday at 1pm in same folder.
is that set it in crontab-e?
how to set it?

Yes, run crontab -e for adding a new cron job. Check this manual page for more information. Scroll down to EXAMPLE CRON FILE section for some example job settings.

thank, i just try adding this code

* 12 * * *    mysqldump --opt -Q -u username -p password > /var/www/squiro/sql/database.sql

and it work,
but i wonder would tomorrow the backup is overwrite database.sql or server will recreate a different sql name for everyday?

Looking at your cron entry I think it will overwrite database.sql file during each run.