backup repository in cvs


does any one know how can i take backup for reposirory in cvs ??

Backup the CVSROOT directory of your repository. Sure, you need to take the repository offline so no write is possible during backing up.

first , is there in cvs any command that take backup for repository

second , how can i made CVSROOT offline

Are people logging into CVS remotely? Just stop cvsd.

Then tar, cpio, cp -Rp (i.e. whatever backup mechanism you choose) the CVSROOT.


yes remotly , how can I stop access using cvsd
(can you give me an example)

copy the files from remotly or from repository directly

It depends - do you have an init.d script for cvsd?

# ls /etc/init.d/*cvs*

If so, call the script with a "stop" argument, e.g.

# /etc/init.d/cvsd stop

If not, you may just have to kill cvsd (make sure you note the path and any arguments in case a control script doesn't exist)

# pargs `pgrep cvsd`
# pkill cvsd
# ps -ef | grep '[c]vsd' && pkill -9 cvsd

Then backup the CVSROOT

# tar cvf /path/to/backup.tar /path/to/cvsroot

Then start cvsd again with the init.d script, or using /path/to/cvsd plus any arguments (cvsd on my box isn't called with args...)


i dont have cvsd script can you send it to me

the way to start cvsd if the script not exist not clear can you explain it to me


because i dont have script cvsd i stop it as below but there is no process called cvsd

pargs `pgrep cvsd`
pkill cvsd
ps -ef | grep '[c]vsd' && pkill -9 cvsd

Your system probably have cvs installed as an inetd service. Check your inetd.conf and whether you find "cvs" inside. if so, comment out the line, and send a HUP signal to inetd.

dear cbkihong

the cvs not in inetd.conf