Backup of VIO

I have a script running remotely using viosvrcmd command on hmc to back up the VIO servers. these are the steps involved

  1. Mount the NFS directory on to the VIO server

  2. run backupios command

  3. un mount the directory

I am stuck up in the 3rd step. I am not able to unmount the nfs share after the backup

""HSCL2970 The IOServer command has failed because of the following reason:
Not a valid command: umount /mnt"""

padmin does not have access to umount command. :frowning:

Any work around known for this?


I did a 'help | grep mount' on my VIO server and it looks like you have to use unmount instead of umount.


That worked.. Thanks buddy!!!!


when I have to write a script on the virtual IO-Server, I would never ever use the user padmin, you just have problems with everything, output redirections, shell functions and so on, I mean it's safer and recommended, but a much easier way is become root, you can set a root password in oem_setup_env or ssh authorized key access and run vio-commands with the "ioscli" binary
that's the way padmin uses these commands too, but you don't see it because of aliases set in padmin environment

for example as root, use

/usr/ios/cli/ioscli lsmap -all

lists all virtual mapped disk devices and so on

Funksen... you are right. its a real pain doing things from padmin

But I have been refrained from using root. :frowning:

Just now the viosvrcmd command is not working from HMC to any of the VIO servers. No idea, it just waits for the prompt.

HSCE2124 is the only clue I have. Any one faced this?

What's the exact command you're running?

viosvrcmd -m <MS> -p <partition> -c "backupios -f <path>"

my problem got resolved once i rebooted the hmc.. but wondering why would it happen :frowning: