awk with tab delimeter

Hi Team

below test file contains tab delimeter file and i am excepting the number of files 3.

File : test.txt

a	b	c
awk -vFPAT='\t' -vOFS="\t" -v a="0" -v b="10"  ' NR>a {if (NF != b ) print NR"@"NF }' test.txt

current output is
required output is

Cloud you please help me on this one.

Hello bmk123,

Could you please try following.

awk -F'[[:space:]]+' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i!="b"){val=val?val OFS i}};print val;val=""}'  OFS="@" Input_file

R. Singh

Thanks singh.
i don't want the change the code agian and i need to implemnt in same code

awk -vFPAT='([^,]*)|("[^"]+")| [[\t]] ' -vOFS="\t" -v a="0" -v b="10"  ' NR>a {if (NF != b ) print NR"@"NF }' test.txt 

i tried above on it is not working.

@OP You are using


, which means that the fields are single TAB characters and the fields are separated by anything else.
If I change -vFPAT='\t' to -vFS='\t' then I get:


-vFS='\t' can be shortened to -F'\t' , so it would become:

awk -F'\t' -v a="0" -v b="10"  ' NR>a {if (NF != b ) print NR"@"NF }' test.txt


awk -F'\t' -v a=0 -v b=10  'NR>a && NF!=b {print NR"@"NF}' test.txt
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thanks Scrutinizer,
i tried as per your comment and it is not working.

awk -vFS='([^,]*)|("[^"]+")| [[\t]] ' -vOFS="\t" -v a="0" -v b="10"  ' NR>a {if (NF != b ) print NR"@"NF }' test.txt

Please try below :

awk -F '[\t]' -v a="0" -v b="10"  ' NR>a {if (NF != b ) print NR"@"NF }' test.txt
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That's because you are using a regular expression for FS that works differently than you (probably) think it does.
This part:


matches "0 or more occurrences of a character other than comma".
So, let's say I have this as my data:


Then each one of "a", "b" and "c" matches "0 or more occurrences of a character other than comma".
Hence awk considers each one of "a", "b" and "c" as the delimiter and the rest (i.e. commas) as the data tokens.
So it sees this:

data       delimiter      data       delimiter      data      delimiter     data
NULL       a                ,            b           ,           c          NULL

which explains the output below:

$ printf "a,b,c\n" | awk -vFS='([^,]*)' '{ print NF; print "{"$0"}"; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++){print "{"$i"}"} }'

If you have tabs instead of commas, then the entire string is a "delimiter" and it is sandwiched between two "data" tokens that are both NULL, as seen below:

$ printf "a\tb\tc\n" | awk -vFS='([^,]*)' '{ print NF; print "{"$0"}"; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++){print "{"$i"}"} }'
{a      b       c}

For the regular expression:


awk considers the bold brackets as the character class in the following:


Hence it processes both of the following as delimiters:


You can test this by running the following one-liner:

$ printf "aaaa\t]bbbb[]cccc\n" | awk -vFS='[[\t]]' '{ print NF; print "{"$0"}"; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++){print "{"$i"}"} }'
{aaaa   ]bbbb[]cccc}

If you can explain what exactly you want as the delimiter, then maybe we can help you come up with a better regular expression.


Thanks all. i have handled tab delimiter independent.