awk vs perl

awk -F "|" '{print $2$3$4 upto $30}' file1 > file2

Same logic, i want to write it in perl

I tried

my $line;
open FH, "<file1" or die " Can't open file $!";
open FH1, ">file2" or die "Can't open file ";
while (<FH1>){
    $line = (split /\|/,$_)[1,2,3,4....];
    print FH2 $line;

It didn't work like awk, what i want..
Please guide me
please tell which one is good in speed and performance in a a large file

in perl it is more simple than your awk & perl codes:-

perl -nalF'\|' -e '$"="|" ; print "@F[1..29]" ;'  infile.txt


could you Please tell how it's work. It's very complex but may be effective. Someone please help me to understand this code

See 'man perlrun', and check out the options -n -a -l -F and -e.

$" is also known by its long name $LIST_SEPARATOR (see 'man perlvar'), which explains a lot I guess :wink:

'[1..29]' is an array slice, and selects all specified elements. '1..29' is a range of all integers between and including 1 and 29.

Hope that helps...