awk: union regions

Hi all,

I have difficulty to solve the followign problem.


StartPoint EndPoint
22 55
2222 2230
33 66
44 58
222 240
11 25
22 60
33 45

The union of above regions will turn out:


Can someone give suggest an efficient way to do this?

Thanks so much!

Can't say I fully understand the requirement, but try...

$ cat file1
22 55
2222 2230
33 66
44 58
222 240
11 25
22 60
33 45

$ awk '{l=length($1);if(!SP[l]||$1<SP[l])SP[l]=$1;l=length($2);if($2>EP[l])EP[l]=$2}END{for(i in SP)print SP "-" EP}' file1|sort|paste -s -d ,

	my @tmp=split;
	map {my $tmp=length($_); push @{$hash{$tmp}}, $_} @tmp;
foreach my $key(sort {$a<=>$b} keys %hash){
	my @tmp = sort @{$hash{$key}};
	print $tmp[0]," <-> ", $tmp[$#tmp],"\n";
22 55
2222 2230
33 66
44 58
222 240 
11 25
22 60
33 45
1 6
45678 12345