Awk to remove Blank lines in pipedelimited

Awk to remove Blank lines in pipedelimited
Help me correct this.

nawk -F"|" '{a=$0; gsub(FS, "",a); if(length(a)) print}'  file1 
nawk -F"|" '{gsub(FS, "",$0);if(length($0)) print}' file1  


nawk -F'|' '{if (NF > 0) print}'  file1
awk  '{a=$0;gsub(/[|| ]/,"");if(length($0))print a}' file

-Devaraj Takhellambam

I tried the below code this works

  nawk -F'[|]' '{a=$0; gsub(FS, "",a); if (length(a)) print }' file1

Why do i have to use please help

Not sure may be this is special condition for awk