awk to reformat lines based on condition

The awk below uses the tab-delimeted file and reformats each line based on one of three conditions (rules). The 3 rules are for deletion (lines in blue), snv (line in red), and insertion (lines in green). I have included all possible combinations of lines from my actual data, which is very large. The awk includes comments but does nt produce the desired output. I think my thinking is correct but maybe I am missing something or have not included something. Thank you :).

file tab-delimeted

id1	1	101702547     AG	A
id2	15	48782104     G	C
id3	1	116268178     GAAA	G
id4	1	116268178     GAAA	GAAAA
id5	2	228197304     A	AATCC

current output

id1	1	101702548	101702547	-
id3	1	116268179	116268178	-

desired output tab-delimeted

id1	1	101702548	101702549     G	-
id2	15	48782104	48782104     G	C
id3	1	116268179	116268182     AAA	-
id4	1	116268179	116268179     -	A
id5	2	228197305	228197305     -	TCC


line1: since length of $5 is greater then the length of $6 the matching value in $5 and $6  is remove and a - is placed in $6 the value in $3 has 1 added to it and the length of $5 is added to $3 and copied to $4 (condition 1)

line2: since length of $5 and length of $6 are equal to 1 the value in $3 is duplicated or copied in front of $4 (condition 2)

line3: since length of $5 is greater then the length of $6 the matching value in $5 is removed from $5 and $5 and a - is placed in $5 the value in $3 has 1 added to it and the length of $4 is added to $3 and copied in front of $4 (condition 1)

line4: since length of $4 is less then the length of $5 the matching value(s) from $4 and $5 are removed in $6 and a - is placed in $4 the value in $3 has 1 added to it and $3 and copied in front of $4 (condition 3)

line5: since length of $5 is less then the length of $6 the matching value(s) from $5 are removed in $5 and $6 and a - is placed in $4 the value in $3 has 1 added to it and $3 and copied in front of $4 (condition 3)


awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}  # define fs and output
     FNR==NR{ # process each field in each line of file
     if(length($5) > length($6)) {  # condition 1 for deletion
        gsub($5,"",$6)       # removing matching
           print $1,$2,$3+1,$3+length($4),"-"  # print desired output
     if(length($5) == length($6)) {  # condition 2 for snv   
        print $1,$2,$3,$3,$5,$6  # print desired output
     if(length($5) < length($6)) {  # condition 3 for insertion
        gsub($5,"",$6)       # removing matching
           print $1,$2,$3+1,"-",$3+1  # print desired output
}' file