awk to print text in field if match and range is met

In the awk below I am trying to match the value in $4 of file1 with the split value from $4 in file2 . I store the value of $4 in file1 in A and the split value (using the _ for the split) in array. I then strore the value in $2 as min , the value in $3 as max , and the value in $1 as chr .
If A is equal to array , then i use the values stored in min , max , and chr to check if there is overlap or not between the $2 , $3 , and $1 values in file2 . If there is then overlap is printing but if there is not missing is printed. I am trying to ensure that the lines match and that the coordinates are in covered from file1 to file2 . My actual data is several thousands of lines all in the below format and a match should result for each line in file2 . I commented the awk as well and hope it helps as I am getting multiple syntax errors and maybe there is a better way, but I wanted to try and see. Thank you :).

file1 tab-delimeted

chr19	42373737	42373856	RPS19
chr6	32790021	32790140	TAP2

file2 tab-delimeted

chr19	42364844	42364915	RPS19_cds_1_0_chr19_42364845_f	0	+
chr19	42365180	42365281	RPS19_cds_2_0_chr19_42365181_f	0	+
chr19	42373100	42373284	RPS19_cds_3_0_chr19_42373101_f	0	+
chr19	42373768	42373823	RPS19_cds_4_0_chr19_42373769_f	0	+
chr19	42375418	42375445	RPS19_cds_5_0_chr19_42375419_f	0	+
chr6	32790065	32790095	TAP2_cds_0_0_chr6_32790066_r	0	-
chr6	32797176	32797313	TAP2_cds_1_0_chr6_32797177_r	0	-
chr6	32797706	32797866	TAP2_cds_2_0_chr6_32797707_r	0	-
chr6	32798043	32798217	TAP2_cds_3_0_chr6_32798044_r	0	-
chr6	32798394	32798583	TAP2_cds_4_0_chr6_32798395_r	0	-
chr6	32800109	32800238	TAP2_cds_5_0_chr6_32800110_r	0	-
chr6	32800403	32800601	TAP2_cds_6_0_chr6_32800404_r	0	-
chr6	32802930	32803136	TAP2_cds_7_0_chr6_32802931_r	0	-
chr6	32803419	32803550	TAP2_cds_8_0_chr6_32803420_r	0	-
chr6	32805313	32805428	TAP2_cds_9_0_chr6_32805314_r	0	-
chr6	32805517	32806010	TAP2_cds_10_0_chr6_32805518_r	0	-

desired output tab-delimeted

chr19	42364844	42364915	RPS19_cds_1_0_chr19_42364845_f	0	+	missing
chr19	42365180	42365281	RPS19_cds_2_0_chr19_42365181_f	0	+	missing
chr19	42373100	42373284	RPS19_cds_3_0_chr19_42373101_f	0	+	missing
chr19	42373768	42373823	RPS19_cds_4_0_chr19_42373769_f	0	+	overlap
chr19	42375418	42375445	RPS19_cds_5_0_chr19_42375419_f	0	+	missing
chr6	32790065	32790095	TAP2_cds_0_0_chr6_32790066_r	0	-	overlap
chr6	32797176	32797313	TAP2_cds_1_0_chr6_32797177_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32797706	32797866	TAP2_cds_2_0_chr6_32797707_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32798043	32798217	TAP2_cds_3_0_chr6_32798044_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32798394	32798583	TAP2_cds_4_0_chr6_32798395_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32800109	32800238	TAP2_cds_5_0_chr6_32800110_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32800403	32800601	TAP2_cds_6_0_chr6_32800404_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32802930	32803136	TAP2_cds_7_0_chr6_32802931_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32803419	32803550	TAP2_cds_8_0_chr6_32803420_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32805313	32805428	TAP2_cds_9_0_chr6_32805314_r	0	-	missing
chr6	32805517	32806010	TAP2_cds_10_0_chr6_32805518_r	0	-	missing


awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }                               # define FS and OFS as tab
              NR==FNR{                              # process same line in file1 and file2
       A[$1]=$4;next}                               # store $4 value from file1 into A
       {min[NR]=$2; max[NR]=$3; chr[NR]=$1; next}   # store $1,$2,$3 values into seperate arrays
  split($4,array,"_")                               # split $4 in file2 by the _
     for (id in min)
           if([A] ~ array) && (($1==chr[NR])&&(min[id] <= $2 && $3 < max[id])) {  # match $4 in A with array split and check for overlap using min max and chr from file1
                  $7 = print "overlap" else "missing";   # print value in $7 of file 2
}' file1 file2
if([A] ~ array)

what is [A] ?
And what the above is trying to test?

FYI, split

      split(s, a [, r ])
                               Split the string s into the  array  a  
                               and return the number of fields. 
 The first piece is stored in array[1], the second piece in array[2], and so forth. 

a is an array indexed by numbers (not an associative array as you might expect).

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if[A] ~ array)

is ensuring, or is supposed to, match $4 in file1 with the array split from file2 . So using the first value RPS19 as an example, only those lines in file2 with RPS19 are used. Thank you :).

okie dokie - interesting "construct" [A] - see my previous comments.
you probably meant: ($1 in A) as $1 and array[5] are the same in file2 .

$7 = print "overlap" else "missing"

what is that supposed to mean/do?
I think you also are missing a } in your last block with the for

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Is meant to print either overlap or missing in $7 depending on if the condition's are met.

If I understand the comments correctly:

awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }                               # define FS and OFS as tab
              NR==FNR{                              # process same line in file1 and file2
       A[$1]=$4;next}                               # store $4 value from file1 into A
       {min[NR]=$2; max[NR]=$3; chr[NR]=$1; next}   # store $1,$2,$3 values into seperate arrays
  split($4,array,"_")                               # split $4 in file2 by the _
     for (id in min)
           if($1 in A) ~ array[5])) && ($1==chr[NR]) && (min[id] <= $2 && $3 < max[id])) {  # match $4 in A with array split and check for overlap using min max and chr from file1
                    print "overlap", $7 else print "missing", $7  # print value in $7 of file 2
}' file1 file2

I updated the awk (specifically the print statement) but am getting syntax errors.

Thank you very much :).

if($1 in A)...
print "overlap", $7; else print "missing", $7

you'll also need to work out your balancing () -s in the if and other potential syntax errors.

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Thank you very much for your help :).