awk to print string if tag is specific value

In the below awk I am trying to print expName only if another tag planExecuted is true . In addition to the expName I am also printing planShortID . For some reason the word experiment gets printed so I remove it with sed . I have attached the complete index.html as well as included a sample of it in file . The awk does run but the output is empty. I was following a code from @ Don Cragun but I am doing something wrong. Thank you :slight_smile:


awk -F'"[]},:]* *"*' -v RS='{' '
{for(i = 2; i < NF - 1; i++) {
     if($i == "expName" &&
        $(i + 2) == "planExecuted" &&
        $(i + 3) == "true")
          print $(i+1) RS $(i+43)
}' file | sed '/experiment/d' > out


{"meta": {"limit": 20, "next": "/rundb/api/v1/plannedexperimentdb/?offset=20&limit=20&format=json", "offset": 0, "previous": null, "total_count": 52}, "objects": [{"adapter": null, "applicationGroup": "/rundb/api/v1/applicationgroup/1/", "autoName": null, "categories": "", "childPlans": [], "controlSequencekitname": null, "cycles": null, "date": "2016-09-21T19:03:28.000079+00:00", "expName": "R_2016_09_21_14_01_15_user_S5-00580-9-Medexome", "experiment": "/rundb/api/v1/experiment/70/", "id": 78, "irworkflow": "", "isFavorite": false, "isPlanGroup": false, "isReusable": false, "isReverseRun": false, "isSystem": false, "isSystemDefault": false, "libkit": null, "libraryReadLength": 200, "metaData": {}, "pairedEndLibraryAdapterName": "", "parentPlan": null, "planDisplayedName": "Medexome", "planExecuted": true, "planExecutedDate": null, "planGUID": "00212eae-ba3d-4b1e-8496-cc1dbd9a9748", "planName": "Medexome", "planPGM": null, "planShortID": "RLNI0", "planStatus": "run", "preAnalysis": true, "project": "medexome_validation", "projects": ["medexome_validation"], "qcValues": [{"id": 208,

desired result


No surprise your output is empty, as your compound if condition won't ever be true with either of your input files. When a field $i == "expName" , there's no "planExecuted" nor "true" anywhere nearby. Please reconsider/refine your condition.