awk to print missing and keep sequential ordering if not found

The below awk in bold will look for the ids in file1 in $2 of file2 and if they match print the line in file2 . If an id is missing or not found in file2 (like BMPR2 in line4 of file1) I can not figure out how to add it to them to the lines in the output as missing in $3 following the same format. That is with the next sequential number in $1 , the id from file1 in $2 , and the word missing in $3 . My attempt at doing this is the modified awk which does execute but the output is all of


not the desired output and I am not sure why? There may be multiple lines that are missing in my actual data but the files are always the same format as below. Thank you :).

file1 tab-delimeted


file2 tab-delimeted

20	ABCA3	100.00
101	ACVRL1	100.00
596	BMPR1B	100.00
597	BMPR3	100.00
733	CAV1	100.00
734	CAV3	100.00
735	CBFB	100.00
736	CBL	100.00
737	CBLB	100.00
738	CBR1	100.00


awk -F'\t' 'NR==FNR{A[$1];next}$2 in A' file1 file2

output of command BMPR2 is not found so it is not printed

20	ABCA3	100.00
101	ACVRL1	100.00
596	BMPR1B	100.00
733	CAV1	100.00

modified awk

awk -F'\t' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]; next}$2 in a{delete a[$2]}
     END{for(i in a) print ++FNR,i,"missing"}1' file1 OFS='\t' file2

desired output tab-delimeted

1	ABCA3	100.00
2	ACVRL1	100.00
3	BMPR1B	100.00
4	CAV1	100.00
5	BMPR2	missing
awk -F"\t" '
NR==FNR {a[$1]=$1; b[$1]=$1; next; }
a[$2] {$1=++l; print $0; delete b[$2]; }
END {for(i in b) {$0=++l OFS b OFS "missing"; print $0; }}
' file1 OFS="\t" file2
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The one array can be used for both lookups (index) and counting (value):

awk '
 BEGIN {FS=OFS="\t"}
 (NR==FNR){A[$1]=0; next}
 ($2 in A){A[$2]++; print ++cnt,$2,$3}
 END {for (i in A) if (A==0) print ++cnt,i,"missing"}
' file1 file2
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Another variation:

awk '
  $1 in A {
    print ++c, $1, A[$1]
  END {
    for(i in M) print ++c, i, "missing"
' FS='\t' OFS='\t' file2 file1 
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Thank you all :slight_smile: