awk to count condition in field

I am trying to confirm the counts from another code and tried the below awk , but the syntax is incorrect. Basically, outputting the counts of each condition in $8. Thank you :slight_smile:

awk '$8==/TYPE=snp/ /TYPE=ins/ /TYPE=del/ {count++} END{print count}' "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\counts\TSVC_004_HIQ.txt" > "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\counts\count.txt"

Desired output


Would that work?

awk '$8 ~ /TYPE/ {split($8, type, "="); count[type[2]]++} END{for(t in count){print t"="count[t]}}' "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\counts\TSVC_004_HIQ.txt" > "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\counts\count.txt"

in the spirit of cmccabe:

awk '$8=="snp"{a++};$8=="ins"{b++};$8=="del"{c++}END{print "snp="a "\n" "ins="b "\n" "del="c}'

$8 appears to contain the string TYPE=snp , etc..., therefore that would not do. Perhaps:

awk '$8 ~ /snp/ {a++} $8 ~ /ins/ {b++} $8 ~ /del/ {c++}END{print "snp="a "\n" "ins="b "\n" "del="c}'
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Ok, i correct...

awk '$8=="TYPE=snp"{a++};$8=="TYPE=ins"{b++};$8=="TYPE=del"{c++}END{print "snp="a "\n" "ins="b "\n" "del="c}'
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Try also

awk 'sub (/^TYPE=/, "", $8) {CNT[$8]++} END {for (c in CNT) print c "=" CNT[c]}' file
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Thank you all :).