awk to average target and gene

I am trying to modify the awk below to include the gene name ($5) for each target and can not seem to do so. Also, I'm not sure the calculation is right (average of all targets that are the same is $4 using the values in $7)? Thank you :).

awk '{if((NR>1)&&($4!=last)){printf("%s\t%f\t%s\n", last,  total/len,pg);total=$7;len=1;}else{total+=$7;len+=1};pg=$5;last=$4;}END{printf("%s\t%f\t%s\n",  last, total/len,pg)}'


chr1    40539722    40539865    chr1:40539722-40539865    PPT1    1    159
chr1    40539722    40539865    chr1:40539722-40539865    PPT1    2    161
chr1    40539722    40539865    chr1:40539722-40539865    PPT1    3    161 


chr1:40539722-40539865    72.000000
chr1:40542503-40542595    46.500000
chr1:40544221-40544340    60.000000 

Desired epilepsy70_average.txt

chr1:40539722-40539865    72.000000      PPT1
chr1:40542503-40542595    46.500000      PPT1
chr1:40544221-40544340    60.000000      PPT1 

EDIT: I have modified the awk to calculate average using $7 and include $5 in the output below.


chr1:40539722-40539865    227.776224    PPT1
chr1:40542503-40542595    109.706522    PPT1
chr1:40544221-40544340    61.596639    PPT1

I can not figure out if the calculated value in $2 is less than or equal to 100 then that line the font changed to red, then the entire file is sort in ascending order by $2 Is this possible?

I think the below will print and maybe thats a start:

 awk '{if((NR>1)&&($4!=last)){printf("%s\t%f\t%s\n", last,  total/len,pg);total=$7;len=1;}else{total+=$7;len+=1};pg=$5;last=$4;}END{printf("%s\t%f\t%s\n",  last, total/len,pg)}' | awk '{if($2>=1000.00)print;}' epilepsy70_average.txt > sort.txt

I find multi-line scripts better readable.
A delayed printing (that happens by condition in the loop and in the END section) is better to be defined once in a function.

awk '
function prt(){ printf "%s\t%f\t%s\n", last, total/len, pg }
  if (NR>1 && $4!=last) {
    total=0; len=0
  total+=$7; len+=1
END { prt() }
' "$@" |

awk '{ if ($2>=100) print }' |

sort -k2,2n

Note the -k2,2n to sort on field 2.
The "$@" passes arguments, so you can run the script with

./scriptname file

Of course you can also do

./scriptname < file

Now if you want to optimize the two awk scripts into one, you can change the prt function:

awk '
function prt(){
  if (avg>=100) {
    printf "%s\t%f\t%s\n", last, avg, pg
  if (NR>1 && $4!=last) {
    total=0; len=0
  total+=$7; len+=1
END { prt() }
' "$@" |

sort -k2,2n