awk to average matching lines in file

The awk below executes and is close (producing the first 4 columns in desired). However, when I add the sum of $7 , I get nothing returned. Basically, I am trying to combine all the matching $4 in f1 and output them with the average of $7 in each match. Thank you :).


chr9	135804143	135804145	chr9:135804143-135804145	TSC1	1	128
chr9	135804143	135804145	chr9:135804143-135804145	TSC1	2	125
chr9	135819919	135819922	chr9:135819919-135819922	TSC1	1	0
chr9	135819919	135819922	chr9:135819919-135819922	TSC1	2	0
chr9	135819919	135819922	chr9:135819919-135819922	TSC1	3	0
chr16	2097885	2097890	chr16:2097885-2097890	TSC2	1	249
chr16	2097885	2097890	chr16:2097885-2097890	TSC2	2	245
chr16	2097885	2097890	chr16:2097885-2097890	TSC2	3	243
chr16	2097885	2097890	chr16:2097885-2097890	TSC2	4	237
chr16	2097885	2097890	chr16:2097885-2097890	TSC2	5	237

desired tab-delimeted

chr9	135804143	135804145 	TSC1	126
chr9	135819919	135819922 	TSC1	0
chr16	2097885	2097890 	TSC2	242


awk '
# print from stored values
function prt(){
  print p1 ":" (p6start==1 ? p2 : p2+p6start) "-" p2+p6, "\t" p5
($4!=p4 || $6!=p6+1) {
# new sequence, print the previous sequence
  if (NR>1) prt()
# store the values that for later
END { prt() }
' f1 | awk -F"[:-]" ' { print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4}' | awk -v N=7 '{ sum += $N } END { if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }' > out

How far would this get you:

awk '{TMP[$4]=$5; VAL[$4]+=$7; CNT[$4]++} END {for (t in TMP) {i = t; gsub (/[:-]/, OFS, i); print i, TMP[t], VAL[t]/CNT[t]}}' OFS="\t" file
chr16    2097885    2097890    TSC2    242.2
chr9    135804143    135804145    TSC1    126.5
chr9    135819919    135819922    TSC1    0
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Thank you very much :).