awk syntax error

Hi, I can't see what is wrong with the following command.

I am extracting a dollar amount (AMT_REJ, 6th field) from a comma delimited record and need to output it as numeric, removing the $sign and decimal point and output to another file. Everything seems to work except the $ sign which I need to remove.

Sams Store,$125.00,paid
Tims Store,$25.00, paid
Tonis Store,$1200.00,unpaid

with the following awk statement

AMT_REJ=`echo "${dataline}" | cut -d"," -f6 | awk '{print$1}' | sed 's/\$//g' | sed 's/\.//g'

Does anyone see anything wrong with the above line?
Current result:
000000002564 should be

Please and Thanks.

echo "${dataline}" | awk -F"," ' { sub("\\$","",$6); sub("\\.","",$6); print $2 }'