awk symbolic link

I have problem

 find "$@" -type l -printf "%l\n" 2>/dev/null | awk -F/ '
 NF > n {deepest = $0; n=NF}
 END {print "Output:", deepest}'

My script should search all arguments which are directories for longest symbolic link path but i want Output to be this way

'/xxx/xxx/xxx/link -> /xxx/xx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/wherelinkpoint'

it should be like when you run

find -type l -printf "%p -> %l\n"

and the second thing that works strange is when are two or more links with same count of "/" it should write them to output all but it only print out one of them.
For longest path of symbolic link i just count "/" but only in -printf "%l\n"


  1. -ls prints all what you want (and more)
  2. no wonder, you have only one print command in the END section!
find "$@" -depth -type l -ls 2>/dev/null | awk '(now=split($NF,A,"/"))>=prev {print} {prev=now}'

This prints all deepest target directories. But would go wrong if they had a space in their path-name.