awk split lines without knowing the number of fields a-priori

I want to use awk to split fields and put them into a file
but I don't know the number of fields
for example, in the following line

Ports: 22/filtered/tcp//ssh///, 53/open/tcp//tcpwrapped///, 111/filtered/tcp//rpcbind///, 543/filtered/tcp//klogin///, 544/filtered/tcp//kshell///, 1002/filtered/tcp//windows-icfw///, 1556/open/tcp//veritas_pbx?///, 2105/filtered/tcp//eklogin///, 2200/filtered/tcp//ici///, 8081/filtered/tcp//blackice-icecap///, 12000/open/tcp//patrol//BMC Patrol Agent/, 13722/filtered/tcp//netbackup///, 13782/filtered/tcp//netbackup///, 13783/filtered/tcp//netbackup///, 50000/filtered/tcp//ibm-db2///, 50001/filtered/tcp//unknown///, 50002/filtered/tcp//iiimsf///, 50003/filtered/tcp//unknown///

I want to put each port information into a file
I want to get a file like


how to achieve this?

awk '{sub(/^Ports: */,"");n=split($0,a,/ *, */);for(i=1;i<=n;i++) print a > "Portsdata.txt"}' file

Try this one :

$ awk '{sub("Ports: ",""); gsub(", ","\n");print > "outfile"}' infile

With sed:

sed 's/^Ports: *//;s/ *, */\
/g' file > Portsdata