awk -- sort out the out put file


using awk /sed, I need to sort out the input file.

here is the example
input file===

Name= shashi | country= india | region = asia | dept= ww
Name= jon | region = asia | dept= xx
Name=sam | dept= ww
Name= anthony | country=england | dept= xx
Name= sumo | country= china

output should be=====>

Name= shashi | country= india | region = asia | dept= ww
Name= jon | country= 0 | region = asia | dept= xx
Name=sam | country= 0 | region = 0 |dept= ww
Name= anthony | country=england |region = 0| dept= xx
Name= sumo | country= china |region = 0| dept= 0

thaqnks in advance..

sort out?? on what condition??

as per my requirment , is it possible to do using awk/sed ?
or any other solution ?

what have you tried? you have already know about awk and shell scripting in your previous show some code...