awk: skip x lines and ssh

Im trying to ssh to a remote machine to grep 'x info' *.log and Im able to get the grep output as expected but "after" the policies (1st 14 lines) - I need to skip the first 14 lines.
Its SunOS.
Plz help???

Hi, anthonyraj75:

I'm not quite sure what you need, so here's a shot in the dark:

sed -n '1,14d;/x info/p' *.log


Im actually trying the following way (but don't expect first 14 lines) - ssh and grep (skipping 14 lines):

ssh user@<host> grep '*.dbf' /opt/sdg/apps/dsmerror.log

awk '/x info/, NR>14' *.log
awk '/x info/, NR>14' *.log

Doesn't seem to work either - I fixed it, by

ssh user@<host> grep '*.dbf' /opt/sdg/apps/dsmerror.log 2 > /dev/null

But encountering similar issue on Linux OS, unable to skip the Security Header (1-14 lines):
Tried various options:

2 > /dev/null
awk '/x info/, NR>14'
2 >/dev/null >/dev/null"
awk 'NR>14'"
>>/dev/null 2>&1
2 >>/dev/null 2>&1
</dev/null 2> /dev/null
> /dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
sed '1,14d'
head -14
&2 >1
1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  • But still doesn't help. Please suggest if there is any alternatives?


Sorry, my command seems to not work. Can you try this?

awk 'NR > 14 && /x info/' *.log

I'm sorry, I didn't get you...could you please let me know how do you want me to run?
(Remember I'm making a ssh call)

Is this what you mean:
ssh user@<host> awk 'NR > 14 && /x info/' grep '.dbf' /opt/sdg/apps/dsmerror.log or
ssh user@<host> grep '
.dbf' /opt/sdg/apps/dsmerror.log awk 'NR > 14 && /x info/'
Please let me know how?

Can you use this?

awk 'NR > 14 && /dbf$/' /opt/sdg/apps/dsmerror.log