awk search and replace nth column by using a variable.

I am passing a variable and replace nth value with the variable.
I tried using many options in awk command but unable to ignore the special characters in the output and also unable to pass the actual value.

Input : "1","2","3"
Output : "1","1000","3"

TempVal=`echo 1000`
Cat file_name.txt | awk -F, -v OFS=, '{$2="\"$TempVal\""; print }


After running the above command - Output :


Couple of things, You don't need to use cat to pass the file content to awk. It's useless use of cat.

You can specify the single quote to get the shell variable interpolate.

awk -F, '{$2="\"'$TempVal'\""; print }' OFS=, file_name.txt


You can use -v option to assign the shell variable data into awk variable and make use of the awk variable inside the awk block.

awk -F, -v t="\"$TempVal\"" '{$2=t; print }' OFS=, file_name.txt



In addition to what Ranga has already suggested, you don't need to use command substitution to assign a simple string to a variable. Use:



TempVal=`echo 1000`