AWK seach for exact word in certain column

Can anyone help me how I will extract all lines in a file where the word "worker" or "co-worker" in 2nd column exist. There are also word in 2nd column like "workers" or "worker2" but I don't want to display those lines.

Appreciate any help in advance! Thank you!

awk '$2=="worker"' file


Thanks Franklin52 but this is the same code I use. My problem really is I also need to extract those lines that contains "co-worker" in the 2nd column not just the word "worker"

awk '$2 ~ /worker$/' file

There you go. Of course change $1 to $2 and the file you want to whatever..

-bash-3.00$ awk '$1 ~ /\<(co-)?worker\>/ {print}' test.txt
co-worker some stuff
co-worker more stuffz
worker lawl
worker ibasdfasdf

The \< and \> are word boundaries, you can think of it as \b in perl. The reason I did that is just in case there is other stuff in the field (such as periods/comas/etc..)