awk scripting problem

I'm creating an oracle insert statement using awk but need to be able to escape the ' (forward single quote) as the oralce insert syntax requires these quotes. I've tried \ in and out of quotes etc.
It's these single quotes values (' .....')

cat $1 | awk -F"|" '{print "insert into table (data_string) values ('PRICES|"$6"|FOSTRAT|"$24"|||N');"}'

Any ideas anyone ?

What happen if you create an awk file:

print "insert into table (data_string) values 'PRICES|"$6"|FOSTRAT|"$24"|||N');"

cat $1 | awk -F "|" -f my_awk.awk

Regards. Hugo.

For this to work you also have to ensure that all single quotes in the data are duplicated. Try this:

sed -e "s/'/''/g" $1 | awk -F"|" '{
    printf "insert into table (data_string) values "
    printf "(%cPRICES|%s|FOSTRAT|%s|||N%c);\n", 39, $6, $24, 39