awk Script

I am trying a script where i awk the output text file to a csv file

Attached are the input file , I am a newbie at bash scripting

Input Text file

awk '
/NE name:/ {
        n = $4
/System Name:/ {
        r = $4
/System Name: / {
        p = $3  $4  $5  $6		
		print n , r , p

}' OFS=, /cygdrive/c/output/LLDP/output.txt >>$i

Desired CSV output

AA2M3A	 ER_3898_1_FON	Huawei RTN 980
AA2M3A	ER_3898_1_FON	        Huawei RTN 980
ABHM7a	         HCX16.01          	        Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
ABHM7a	         HCX16.02	                Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software

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