awk script


I have problem in writing an awk script.

I would like to find out unique value of column 2.


1  baby 25.6
2  flower 33.6
3  cake 33.4
4  baby 11.2
5  fruits 22.3
6  cake 66

Then for each value in the unique list, get the number of line.


baby 2
flower 1
cake 2
baby 1
fruits 1

my awk program is,

#find the unique value
{for (b in a) /b/ {i++;print i}}

Do you know where is my error?


awk '{a[$2]++}END {for (b in a) print b, a}' myFile
{ a[$2]++ }
END { for (i in a) print i,a


C:\cygwin\tmp>cat pr.txt
1 baby 25.6
2 flower 33.6
3 cake 33.4
4 baby 11.2
5 fruits 22.3
6 cake 66

C:\cygwin\tmp>cut -d" " -f2 <pr.txt| sort | uniq -c | gawk '{print $2,$1}'
baby 2
cake 2
flower 1
fruits 1

What if I want to output the sum of column 3 for each unique value?

baby 36.8
flower 33.6
cake 99.4
fruits 22.3


awk '{a[$2]+=$3}END {for (b in a) print b, a}' myFile