Awk script to replace null columns with blank

I have a file with contents


i want to write 10 blanks in case 2 pipes are coming together in the file.
Please help using awk script

sed 's/||/|        |/g' inputfile

Or if you really want to do it in awk:

awk -F"|" '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i=="") { $i="        " } } OFS="|";print }' inputfile


awk '{gsub ("\\|\\|", "|        |"); print}' inputfile
$ sed 's/\|\|/\|          \|/' test
"08011"|          |20080812

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"}{for(i=1;++i<NF;)$i=$i?$i:"        "}1' file