awk script to parse case with information in two fields of file

The below awk parser works for most data inputs, but I am having trouble with the last one. The problem is in the below rules steps 1 and 2 come from $2 (NC_000013.10:g.20763686_20763687delinsA) and steps 3 and 4 come from $1 (NM_004004.5:c.34_35delGGinsT).

Parse Rules:
The header is skipped  and
1. 4 zeros after the NC_  (not always the case) and the digits before the . 
2. g. ### (before underscore)  _### (# after the _)
3. letters after the "del" until the �ins�
4. letters after the "ins"

Desired output: 13     20763686     20763687     GG     T 

Code as is so far:

 awk 'NR>1 {split($2,a,"[_.>]");b=substr(a[4],1,length(a[4]-1));print a[2]+0,b,b,substr(a[4],length(a[4])),a[5]}' OFS="\t" out_position.txt > out_parse.txt 

Thank you :).