awk script for modifying the file

I have the records in the format
one row

0009714494919I  MY010727408948010   NNNNNN N PUSAAR727408948010   R007YM08705 9602002     S   111+0360832-0937348

I want to get it int the format

0009714494919I  MY010727408948010   NNNNNN N PUSAAR727408948010   R007YM08705 9602002     S   111+036.0832-093.7348

how to do it using awk?

$ nawk -F\+ '{a=substr($2,1,3)"."substr($2,4,index($2,"-"))"."substr($2,length($2)-3,length($2)); printf("%s+%s\n",$1,a)}' inputfile

thanks...its working .