Awk Programing (need help)

plx help to solve these problems??

  1. Create a HERE document which will edit multiple files in the same directory, using the ed editor. I give you 3 original files: file1.c , file2.c , file3.c, download them and change each string "stdio.h" to "STDIO.H" in these files. Note: when execute the shell file, you should change all of C files. You do not need execute it several times. Only Submit the shell script file and result files.
  2. Consider the file normal.precip.txt. It contains the average amount of rainfall over a 30 year period for about 275 cities in North America. The first line of the file is a header, which tells you what each column contains. Basically, each line contains a city name, the state the city is in, and then average rainfall amounts from January through December, and then an annual average for all months. The file is TAB delimited. QUESTION: What is the total average amount of rainfall, in inches, for the month of January, for the following states: California (CA), Texas (TX), Alaska (AK). I want individual totalized averages for each of the above states for the month of January. As a check on your algorithm, note that the totalized average rainfall for California (CA) for the month of February over the same period was 2.65067. This was derived by adding the rainfall values together for all cities in California for the month of February, and simply taking their average.
    Please use Awk programming to implement above procedure.

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