awk program date function no longer running

I work at a company that uses a program written in AWK to track various data and prepare reports. Worked with this program for three years plus (the author is no longer with us) and the YTD Production report will not return a report with a date after 123119. This is a problem. Below is the (I believe) the code for the print YTD report function.


function f_printytd(            ytd_date, i, j, k) {

    plus6 = 4
    plus7 = 5
    ytd_date = false
    while ( ytd_date !~ /^[01][0-9][0-3][0-9][901][0-9]$/ ) {
        printf("\n\t\tEnter last date for report (MMDDYY): ") 
        getline ytd_date < keyboard
        if ( toupper(ytd_date) == "X" ) return false
        if ( length(ytd_date) == 0 ) {
            printf("\n\t\tUsing %s", datestr)
            ytd_date = mdy_global

    yymmdd = f_mdy2ymd(ytd_date)            #y2k
    yy = substr(yymmdd, 1, 2)
    if ( yy < 50 )    YY = 20
    else        YY = 19
    lastdate = sprintf("%s%s", YY, yymmdd)

    FS = "%"
    while ( ( getline < runlist ) > 0 ) {
        A_ytd_gtype[$1] = $4
        A_ytd_var[$1] = $5

    FS = "%"
    while ( ( getline < packfile ) > 0 ) {
        ymd = f_mdy2ymd($2)            #y2k
        y = substr(ymd, 1, 2)
        if ( y < 50 )    Y = 20
        else        Y = 19
        thisdate = sprintf("%s%s", Y, ymd)

        if ( thisdate > lastdate ) continue

        gt = A_ytd_gtype[$1]
        vr = A_ytd_var[$1]

        if ($3 ~ /^\#/) {
            sub("#", "", $3)
            A_ytd_trucks[gt] +=  $3
            A_ytd_trucks["T"] +=  $3
            A_ytd_hours[gt] += $4
            A_ytd_hours["T"] += $4    
        else {
            ytd_cwt = $4 * prod_wght[$3] / 100
            A_ytd_cwtV[vr] += ytd_cwt
            if ($3 ~ /^1/) {
                A_ytd_cwt1[gt] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwt1[vr] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwt1["T"] += ytd_cwt
                if (prod_clas[$3] >= plus7) {
                    A_ytd_size[gt] += ytd_cwt
                    A_ytd_size[vr] += ytd_cwt
                    A_ytd_size["T"] += ytd_cwt
            else if ($3 ~ /^2/) {
                A_ytd_cwt2[gt] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwt2[vr] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwt2["T"] += ytd_cwt
            else if ($3 ~ /^B/) {
                A_ytd_cwtB[gt] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwtB[vr] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwtB["T"] += ytd_cwt
            else {
                A_ytd_cwtC[gt] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwtC[vr] += ytd_cwt
                A_ytd_cwtC["T"] += ytd_cwt
    printf("\t\t%s        %s\n\n\t\t%s%s\n\n", datestr, co,
        "YTD Production Summary Report Through ",
        f_datef(ytd_date))                > tmpfile

    f_ytd_printinfo("O", "Outside Growers:")
    f_ytd_printinfo("S", "Share Growers:")
    if ( f_ytd_printinfo("T", "\nTOTALS:") < 0 ) return

    cwtTT = A_ytd_cwt1["T"] + A_ytd_cwt2["T"] + \
        A_ytd_cwtB["T"] + A_ytd_cwtC["T"]

    printf("\nProduction By Variety:\n\n")            > tmpfile
    printf("%11s%16s%12s%7s%7s%7s%7s\n", "Variety", "Total CWT", 
        "%7oz.", "%Ones", "%Twos", "%Bees", "%Cull")    > tmpfile

    for ( x in A_ytd_cwtV ) {
        if ( A_ytd_cwt1[x] + 0 == 0 )    prt_size_val = 0
        else    prt_size_val = A_ytd_size[x] * 100 / A_ytd_cwt1[x]
        printf(" %5.1f%% %-8s:%10.2f%12.1f%7.1f%7.1f%7.1f%7.1f\n", 
            A_ytd_cwtV[x] * 100 / cwtTT, x, A_ytd_cwtV[x],
            A_ytd_cwt1[x] * 100 / A_ytd_cwtV[x],
            A_ytd_cwt2[x] * 100 / A_ytd_cwtV[x],
            A_ytd_cwtB[x] * 100 / A_ytd_cwtV[x],
            A_ytd_cwtC[x] * 100 / A_ytd_cwtV[x])    > tmpfile
        varT += A_ytd_cwtV[x]
        "==========", "Checksum", varT)            > tmpfile

    for ( xx in A_ytd_dt ) if ( xx !~ /r$/ ) num_days++

    if (num_days < 1) 
        printf("\n\nNo packing days reported.\n") > tmpfile
    else printf("\n\nRun %d days, Avg: %.1f MTH/day,  %d 12BC/day.\n", 
        num_days, A_ytd_hours["T"] / num_days,
        cwtTT / num_days)                 > tmpfile
    comm = sprintf("%s %s", printer, tmpfile)

function f_ytd_printinfo(n, name,               tot_ytd_cwt) {

    tot_ytd_cwt = A_ytd_cwt1[n] + A_ytd_cwt2[n] + \
        A_ytd_cwtB[n] + A_ytd_cwtC[n]
    if (tot_ytd_cwt * 100 < 5) {        # less than 5 pounds
        printf("\nNo Production For %s\n\n", name)    > tmpfile
        return -1

    printf("\n%s\n%s\n", name, "================")        > tmpfile

    printf("%5.1f%% %-10s%10.2f%30s%9.1f%%\n", 
        A_ytd_cwt1[n] * 100 / tot_ytd_cwt, "Ones:", 
        A_ytd_cwt1[n], "Plus Seven Oz. :", 
        A_ytd_size[n] * 100 / A_ytd_cwt1[n])        > tmpfile

    printf("%5.1f%% %-10s%10.2f%30s%10.1f\n", 
        A_ytd_cwt2[n] * 100 / tot_ytd_cwt, "Twos:", A_ytd_cwt2[n], 
        "Main Table Hrs.:", A_ytd_hours[n])        > tmpfile

    printf("%5.1f%% %-10s%10.2f%30s%10.1f\n", 
        A_ytd_cwtB[n] * 100 / tot_ytd_cwt, "Bees:", A_ytd_cwtB[n], 
        "Truck loads run:", A_ytd_trucks[n])        > tmpfile

    printf("%5.1f%% %-10s%10.2f%30s%10d\n", 
        A_ytd_cwtC[n] * 100 / tot_ytd_cwt, "Cull:", 
        A_ytd_cwtC[n], "Ones per MTH   :", 
        A_ytd_cwt1[n] / A_ytd_hours[n])            > tmpfile

    printf("%27s\n", "==========")                > tmpfile

    printf("%6s%-11s%10.2f\n\n", "", "Total:", tot_ytd_cwt)    > tmpfile

function f_printpct(              i, j, k, tot, total_cwt,
            total_cw1, total_cw2, total_cwB, total_cwC) {

    printf("\n\t%s%s  %s\n\n\n", 
        co, "    Print List Of Runs   ", hist_code) 
    num_runs = f_getrunrg(A_runs)
    if ( ! num_runs ) f_exit()

    FS = "%"
    for ( i = 1; i <= num_runs; i++ ) {
        split(A_runs, runinfo, FS)
        runn         = runinfo[1]
        A_runn    = runn
        grcode        = runinfo[2]
        A_gstr[runn]       = grwr_name[grcode]
        A_lotnum[runn]     = runinfo[3]
        A_grt[runn]    = runinfo[4]
        A_vty[runn]    = runinfo[5]

    run_file = sprintf("%s%s\\%s", root_dir, data_dir, runf)
    FS = "%"
    while ( ( getline < run_file ) > 0 ) {
        if ( $1 in A_runs ) {
            pct_cwt = prod_wght[$2] * $3 / 100
            if ( $2 ~ /^1/ ) {
                A_pct_cw1[$1] += pct_cwt
                if ( prod_clas[$2] >= 5 ) {
                    A_pct_7oz[$1] += pct_cwt
            else if ( $2 ~ /^2/ ) A_pct_cw2[$1] += pct_cwt
            else if ( $2 ~ /^B/ ) A_pct_cwB[$1] += pct_cwt
            else if ( $2 ~ /^C/ ) A_pct_cwC[$1] += pct_cwt
        else continue

    line = 500
    for ( j = 1; j <= num_runs; j++ ) {
        if ( line > 50 ) {
            if ( line < 500 ) printf("\f")        > tmpfile
            printf("%s%s%s%3d\n\n%s\n\n\n", datestr, co, 
            "      GAS Run Percentages         Page",
            ++page, rng_str)            > tmpfile
            "RUN", "", "GROWER DESCRIPTION", "CWT RAN",
            "%+7oz.", "%1's", 
            "%2's", "%B's", "%C's")            > tmpfile
            line = 5
        r = A_runn[j]
          grwrstr = sprintf("%s #%s, %s",
            A_gstr[r], A_lotnum[r], A_vty[r])

          tot = A_pct_cw1[r] + A_pct_cw2[r] + A_pct_cwB[r] + A_pct_cwC[r]
          if ( tot == 0 ) continue
        if ( A_pct_cw1[r] == 0 ) seven_oz = 0
        else seven_oz = A_pct_7oz[r] * 100 / A_pct_cw1[r]
            r, A_grt[r], grwrstr, tot,
            A_pct_cw1[r] * 100 / tot,
            A_pct_cw2[r] * 100 / tot,
            A_pct_cwB[r] * 100 / tot,
            A_pct_cwC[r] * 100 / tot)        > tmpfile
          line += 2

          total_7oz += A_pct_7oz[r]
          total_cw1 += A_pct_cw1[r]
        total_cw2 += A_pct_cw2[r]
        total_cwB += A_pct_cwB[r]
        total_cwC += A_pct_cwC[r]

      total_cwt = total_cw1 + total_cw2 + total_cwB + total_cwC

    if ( total_cw1 == 0 ) tot_seven_oz = 0
    else tot_seven_oz = total_7oz * 100 / total_cw1
        "Totals for Runs in Range:", total_cwt,
        total_cw1 * 100 / total_cwt,
        total_cw2 * 100 / total_cwt,
        total_cwB * 100 / total_cwt,
        total_cwC * 100 / total_cwt)            > tmpfile


    comm = sprintf("%s %s", printer, tmpfile)

function f_FormatDate(date,             c) {

    if ( substr(date, 5, 2) > 50 )    c = 19
    else                c = 20

    return sprintf("%s%s%s", c, substr(date, 5, 2), substr(date, 1, 4))

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Paul G.


Try changing:

while ( ytd_date !~ /^[01][0-9][0-3][0-9][901][0-9]$/ ) {


while ( ytd_date !~ /^[01][0-9][0-3][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ ) {

and try and test if that might work out for you...

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Thanks so much! That fixed it. This will really make me look like I know what I'm doing come Tuesday when the report is used. :slight_smile:

Good to hear the suggestion seems to work out for you :slight_smile:
Let me explain what it means:

while ( ytd_date !~ /^[01][0-9][0-3][0-9][901][0-9]$/ ) {

This is a so-called "regular expression" , which means that the number must contain 6 digits (each bracket pair represents a digit), where the
first one ( [01] ) may be 0 or 1,
the second ( [0-9] ) between 0 and 9
the 3rd between 0 and 3 and
the 5th number ( [901] ) 9, 0 or 1.

So the modification changes ( [901] to [0-9] ) so that the 5th number may be between 0 and 9 inclusively.