awk problem underlining text

I have a whole text file filled with titles of books and its writers and the publications houses etc. Example:

I want to underline the title:" This business of the Gods".
An awk line can do the trick, but I have not been able to get it together.

I am close but I can't make it work.

What is your current awk command, that is close to correct?

Hello TheoDore4,

Welcome to forums, I hope you will enjoy sharing/learning knowledge here.
For your question, if underline means here to get that specific part then following may help you in same.

awk -F", " '{print $2}'  Input_file

Also feel free to ask questions or queries, happy learning :b:

R. Singh

First of all, thank you for your anwers.

I want to print the entire line, but $2 must be underlined. So it becomes like this:

And not just this line but all the lines in a text file.

I have tried to write a script to accomplish this:

But this script doesn't work.

Assuming your terminal can do it, you could use a terminal escape code something like this:-
(OSX 10.12.5, default bash terminal.)

Last login: Mon Jul 24 13:59:56 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> TEXT="This business of the Gods"
AMIGA:barrywalker~> printf "\033[4m%s\033[0m\n" "$TEXT" 
This business of the Gods          #This sentence is underlined from the terminal escape code and reset at the end of the sentence.
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _

As for your field separators ' ,' your second field, (the sentence), must not have spaces or commas in it. Better to have the comma only and do a workaround if necessary.

That is not the solution that I am looking for, wisecracker.
I have a list of books of six pages long. I cannot define every single title.

The book written by Joseph Campbell is just given as an example. Every other book in this list has the same structure.

On the Bash shell:

BU=$(tput smul)
EU=$(tput rmul)
awk -F, -vBU=${BU} -vEU=${EU} 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$2 = BU$2EU}1' <your_data_file_name>

Replace <your_data_file_name> with the actual name of your data file.

YES!, that works marvelously, durden_tyler.
Thank you all.