awk - Print Sum


I have an awk command that I am using, and part of it sums COL_9 however when I read the output it is not including decimal places;

awk '
c[$4";"$7";"$8";"$18] = $12
d[$4";"$7";"$8";"$18] = $18
 END{for(i in a) {split(i,b,";"); print $1, $2, $3, b[1], $5, $6, b[2], b[3], a, $10, $11, c, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, d}}' file.csv > file2.csv

Is there a way to make sure this prints decimal places? I need just 2 decimal places?

Thanks for your help.

You need to printf using the adequate format string. print itself won't; man awk :